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This story will be written around Octavia's life, so if you're looking for a full on Bellamy fic then I hate to disappoint, but it's not this one.

Seventeen years had passed since Ontari first drew Octavia from the river. She had grown up knowing not that she was Skaikru. She thought she was a pure blood Egyptain Nation member. She had a proud history, and looked down upon the Skaikru as nothing more than slaves; they weren't even people to her.

ROAN!" Octavia grinned as she rode her horse out of the palace.
"Octavia! You're not supposed to ride the horses!" Roan cried, exasperated at his younger sister. "You're meant to sit in the chariots and let the horses pull you! What did you think they were there for?!"
"Decoration?" Octavia shrugged, still grinning at her brother who was riding a chariot beside her.
"Look, this is only meant to be a brief visit to check on the slaves and how hard they're being worked," Roan looked at her sternly. "Please don't mess this up again."
"Again?" Octavia cried, outraged. "I've never messed up a trip!"

Roan stopped his chariot and stared in disbelief at his sister.

"Would you like me to list the times?" Roan said.
"Please do," Octavia folded her arms.
"Okay," he nodded, "number one, when you accidentally fell out of your chariot and knocked over a man who then fell down the hill and both of you rolled to the bottom taking out several slaves along your way. Second time. We were going to the priests for father. You switched the heads on the statues of the gods and the priest thought it was a bad omen! He fasted for months!"
"Well," Octavia laughed, "the first is why I don't believe in chariots anymore and the second, well, that was just hilarious and also you switched the heads with me!"
Roan's face creeped into a smile. "Okay, O, but just please try not to break anything."
"I promise," she smiled nicely.

Octavia always loved the journey to the slaves. It was nice to ride a horse and travel so far out of the palace, even if it was just to check on some worthless slaves. As a princess she was rarely allowed out, but Ontari always persuaded Pharaoh to allow her out. She was a free spirit.

The slave management greeted them as they came along, and Octavia dismounted her horse, and Roan removed himself from his chariot. Octavia stood silently and watched the slaves work while Roan spoke with the officials.
No sooner had she stopped paying attention, she noticed that her horse had gone wandering off. She turned to Roan quickly, but her brother seemed too engrossed in conversation to notice, so the princess silently followed the wandering horse, trying to make sure it wouldn't run away.
She finally got close enough to reach out and touch it, trying to grab the reigns. Unfortunately for Octavia, her horse was startled by this, and the beautiful stallion shrieked and ran away.
"Oh no no no!" Octavia yelled, running after it.
"OCTAVIA!" Roan shouted. He'd noticed Octavia's slip up and cursed under his breath. He was responsible for Octavia when she was out, and somehow she always managed to cause havoc, resulting in him getting told off.
"Pardon me," he groaned to the officials, "your work is good, keep it up, but perhaps work them harder. The elderly are failing us and Pharaoh's statue isn't complete yet and is running behind schedule!"
"Yes sir!" They chanted in unison.
Roan thanked them quickly before grabbing his horses and chariot and hurrying after his reckless little sister.

Three dreadful hours later, Octavia and Roan found themselves standing in shame in front of Pharaoh Niah and Ontari.

"Did I not make it clear," Pharaoh huffed, "that you were purely there to talk about the slaves?"
"Yes father, but my horse ran off!" Octavia tried to reason with him. Ontari looked at her warningly. She loved Octavia, but she knew she couldn't support her if she kept running out of line.
"Octavia," Niah looked at his daughter tiredly. "You may not have to carry the burden Roan will face when he becomes Pharaoh, however you are the princess, and at the moment you are not setting a good example. Your silly horse incident cost another hour of time for the temple to be finished!"
"I'm sorry, father," Octavia looked at the floor shamefully. She knew her place, and even though she had fun, she hated upsetting her father.
"You and Roan are free to go. There is a banquet later remember, so if you could prepare yourselves for that, it would be helpful. I'll send for some slaves to assist you," Pharaoh waved his hand, and the two children ran off.

"Please stop acting like a child," Roan said when they'd gotten back to Roan's room while they waited for the slaves. "You're seventeen!"
"Yeah, so what," Octavia folded her arms and raised her eyebrows, "you're almost twenty one and you're not that much better than me."
"I don't cause havoc throughout the whole city!" Roan fought back.
"Hm, true," Octavia pretended to think about it for a minute. "Oh, also, I told father not to worry about the slaves and that we could prepare ourselves, which I don't need to do because I still look presentable. You don't look bad either."
"Octavia!" Roan cried, outraged.
"Oh, we're also late for the banquet," Octavia said carelessly.
"Of for the love of gods!" Roan groaned, and he dragged his sister with him all the way to the main hall, where the banquet was already in full swing.

"You're late," Ontari hissed at them.
"Better late than never," Octavia flashed her mother a grin.
Ontari glared at her, but soon the banquet was in full swing, and their actions were mostly forgotten.

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