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I think I was about thirteen years old when I decided I wanted to die. 

For as long as I could remember, I was alone.  It didn't matter that I had a bunch of friends or that I was always surrounded by people who wanted to be me; I always seemed to be alone.  I never had a supportive family, I barely even had parents.  I had been taking care of myself; cooking dinner, getting myself to school, and disciplining myself since I was little, no wonder I was so screwed up.

Nobody knew who I really was underneath the mask I wore everyday.  No, I wasn't really the straight A student, perfect life, perfect family, person that I seemed to be.  Sure, I always had a smile plastered across my face and yes, I got straight A's, but that's how I kept myself from thinking about the life I lived. 

I grew up in the shadow of my older sister.  I'm probably just like her on the surface, but my life was completely different from hers.  As I grew older, I realized that my parents loved her, and only her, I was left by myself.  I learned how to cope with my parents' constant resentment of my existence and their constant criticism of everything I did, but one thing I could never get used to: their constant berating of who I chose to be. 

I didn't want to be like my sister; I didn't want to go to an Ivy League school and become a doctor or lawyer, I wanted to write because it was my passion, not because I could make more money doing it.  I didn't want to live my life constantly trying to get my parents' approval because I was content with my own dreams and the goals I set for myself; I didn't want to be another robot they made, just like my sister.  I didn't want to grow up to be them, like so many other kids wanted.  I hated that they raised me to be like them.  Why would I want to be like them when I am older?  They grew old and bitter with everything in their life, especially after my sister left for college.  My parents' life was the exact opposite of what I wanted, but how could I live a life that the people who were supposed to love me the most didn't approve of? 

So if I couldn't live the life I wanted, why live at all?

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