Chapter 7: Locked Inside

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Everyone walked back to the house. Including Tord. Tord barely made any interaction. The only person Tord really trusted was ironically Matt. Tord was sitting in the corner, waiting for Paul and Patryk to pick him up from whatever they called staying at the house. '' Tord, are you doing okay? '' Edd asked, walking out from the kitchen. '' Peachy. '' Tord replied, sarcastically. '' Shut up, Tord. Edd's only trying to help! '' Tom shouted to Tord. '' Is it not OBVIOUS that I don't want to be here?! '' Tord yelled back. Matt stared at the two arguing, and then got an idea. '' Hey, Tom, Tord, follow me! '' Matt said. '' WITH HIM? HELL NO. '' Tord yelled. '' Come on, It'll be fun. '' Matt said, trying to convince both Tord and Tom. '' I never thought I would hear the words ' fun ' and ' Tord ' in the same sentence. ' Tom said. '' I can be fun. You just don't see me when I'm actually happy. '' Tord said. Suddenly, Matt shoved Tom and Tord inside a closet. And soon after, locked the closet door. '' MATT, LET US OUT. '' Both Tom and Tord yelled at the same time. Matt had already walked away. '' Well, I'll give them two hours. '' Matt said, sitting down on the couch. Edd sat down next to him. '' I'll give them an hour and a half. '' Edd replied. 

Tom started drinking from out of his flask. '' Is that really all you do? '' Tord said, trying to inch away from Tom before he got drunk. Tom didn't reply to Tord. '' So, giving me the silent treatment? '' Tord asked, sitting down on the floor. '' Nah. Just finishing my vodka. '' Tom said, slamming the flask onto the floor. '' TOM WHAT THE HELL- '' Tord said, startled of when Tom slammed the flask to the ground. '' Well. We're going to be here for a while. Might as well talk or something. '' Tom said, lying down next to Tord. '' No thanks. I'd rather TRY getting out of here instead of talking to someone like YOU. '' Tord said, getting up right away. Tord started to bang himself against the door. Nothing was working. And it hurt. A lot. '' Now do you give up? '' Tom asked, still lying down. '' NEVER '' Tord said. '' This is gonna be a long day. '' Tom muttered to himself. And then, just before Tord was about to smash the door open with full force, Edd opened up the door. '' Come on out. '' Edd said, walking off. 

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