Chapter Twenty-Two

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Gerard P.O.V

Once again, I found myself exactly where Lilith wanted me- underneath her, with her straddling me. I wasn't particularly enjoying myself, I'd much rather have had Frank here than her. She had come to see me because she knew that I had gone to see Mikey. She thought that I was having second thoughts- about becoming the ruler of hell. I wasn't, I was meow than ready. It was about time that my father retired.

"Come on, Gerard," she purred, stroking my cheek with her soft skin, "you know you want me." She added, grinding against me. I rolled my eyes, grabbing hold of her cheeks. I pulled her face towards mine, her eyes begging me to kiss her. I didn't want her- she was boring me already. When I was the ruler of hell, there were so many endless opportunities for me to dispose of her. The pit, my newly-inherited hounds, the hungry demons that were locked in various rooms of my home.

"I really don't." I shrugged, watching her roll her eyes. She thought that I was joking, however I really wasn't. I could've been having fun with Frank, instead I was sat on my couch with a needy girl. She never acted this way with my father, she wouldn't dare. He hardly wanted her, only when it pleased him; which was never. She was a selfish, self-obsessed little bitch. That was evident when she sold her soul to him, probably for a pair of shoes. That was something dumb that she would do.
She frowned playfully, lifting my chin up, pressing her warm lips against mine. Her eyes were swimming in lust, but I really wasn't interested enough to take her up on her cheap offer.

"How about, you get out of my house." I whispered coldly, gripping her thigh, digging my nails into her skin. She chuckled, slipping off my lap.

"Will you help me put my coat on?" She asked, biting her bottom lip. I gave her a stern look, she rolled her eyes. "Gee, you need to lighten up. I gave you that ring. I'm giving you my body, why won't you just pay me back a little?" She whined.

"I'm not interested." I shrugged, pushing her towards the front door. I could hear the rain already, I was fighting the urge to just stand in it. However much I hated being on earth, I loved the shitty weather. I liked the way it seemed to bring my skin to life. The cold was a contrast to the norm, it was my guilty little pleasure. Lilith drew in a long breath, a wicked smile across her face. I frowned, not particularly interested in what she was about to say.

"You're not into guys, are you?" She asked smugly, that wicked smile refusing to erase. The truth was, I had no idea. In a matter of weeks- or months, I'd be ruling hell. Free to do whatever I liked. I'd be able to do what-whoever I wanted to. What would it matter to her? She'd be in the pit with the rest of the pricks that got in my way.

"I'm just in that mood. The mood to mess with a guy, that's all. It's not like I'm going to have much free time when I'm the overseer of the dead, is it?" I spat, gesturing to the door. She chuckled, pulling it open.

Frank. He was sat on the step, completely soaked. I didn't know why he didn't just knock, it's not like I wouldn't allow him in. I'd kick Lilith out in a heartbeat just to hold him. I shushed Lilith, pushing her behind me. I closed the door, hoping that she'd just disappear as usual. I crept over to him, watching his shoulders slowly rise and fall as he breathed out with a loud sigh. I wanted to tap him, to let him know that I was there. But I could tell that he was annoyed. Pissed to be more accurate.

"I walked for a solid hour, in the rain, to come here. Terrified of the whispering black shadows that had appeared in my house. To find the guy who I have a huge liking for, just making out with some girl." He hissed angrily, spitting on the floor. I sat next to him, rain trickling down his nose. I wiped it away, his skin quivering from my touch.

"What do you mean ' whispering black shadows'?" I asked, frowning. Out of the corner of my eye, I could see Lilith lurking in the window. Whatever I did was sure to give her satisfaction, but I guessed that I owed it to her. She didn't know of my plan for her.

"They scared me Gerard." He sniffled, his eyes tearing up. He couldn't stay mad any longer, he was afraid. And I knew that it was all my fault. By being out here I had no doubt brought many of my little 'friends' along with me. They liked to follow me, scaring whoever it was that I was trying to seduce. They just couldn't help themselves, they were more hungry for power than I was. Power over a real body, a meat-suit for them to ride around in until the host withered and died.

I turned his head to face him, looking into his eyes. I pouted, pulling him against my chest.
Song Of The Chapter- Bella Lugosi's Dead by Bauhaus

Gotta love me some supernatural like all of the time...
Sorry for slow updates, I've had major writer's block lately -_- go meeee. But, I have a new story up, and it's called Love Vigilantes (would be great if you had a looooook ;) )

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