1 (Gerard)

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Gerard tugged at his hair in frustration, throwing down the pen he was using.

The basement was cold, like normal. He was using his lucky pen, like normal. What was going on? Why couldn't he draw anything?

Then he remembered that Mikey and Pete weren't blasting music.

For some reason, whenever Pete came over, they would put in a Metallica CD or something and just sit upstairs for, like, 30 minutes.

He didn't want to think that Mikey and his best friend were fucking in Mikey's bedroom that didn't even have a lock. But they probably were. And normally, the CD would be about half finished by now, and Gerard did not like this at all. Besides, it was a Saturday, and Saturdays usually consisted of Pete coming in (without knocking), raiding our cabinets, and eventually taking the bag of cheese balls we buy just for him and going up to Mikey's room.

He decided to see what was going on with Mikey and got up out of the office chair. He walked up the steps and opened the door, daylight flooding into his dark, cold basement.

He walked up the stairs and opened Mikey's cracked door. He was curled into fetal position facing the wall. He was quietly sobbing and you could hear the music blasting from his headphones all the way from the hallway.

He knocked on the door frame and waited a moment, then decided to go in. He sat on the foot of his bed and tapped him a few times.

He pulled both of his ear buds out and cleared his throat.

"What's wrong?"

He sat up and wiped his face on his shirt sleeve and looked down at his multicolored socks.

"It was on the news last night, I... I didn't know what it was, I thought it was just a sick joke."

"Wait, what?" Gerard blurted. "What the fuck happened?"

"It's Pete," Mikey started to sob. "He went missing."

He was clutching onto a red and black hoodie that was probably Pete's. You could never know because he had like 40 of them.

"What happened?" Gerard repeated.

"I don't fucking know!" Mikey snapped. "Sorry, I just... We were texting a few days ago and he just stopped mid conversation. I thought he might have went to sleep or gotten his phone taken but k saw it on the news and-"

His sentence was cut off by a sob and he buried his head in Gerard's chest.

"Hey, it's okay," Gerard cooed, wrapping his arms around Mikey's shaking body.

"What if he got killed? Oh my god, Gerard."

He cried even harder, making it a bit uncomfortable for Gerard. He was absolute shit at comforting people, and to make matters worse he was a blabbermouth when he was nervous so he would end up saying something like 'well at least mom wouldn't have to buy any more cheese balls!'

"Have you eaten anything today?" Gerard asked him. "I'll take you out to eat, anywhere you want. I'll even bring Ray if you want."

"Just go back into the basement, Gerard."

"Come on... We can go to olive garden!"


Gerard watched as Mikey twirled the Alfredo noodles around his plate, quietly sniffling.

"Mikes, please eat something," Gerard said.

He finally began to eat and Gerard felt relief wash over him, even if it was only just a little bit.

"Can I ask you a question?" Gerard asked. He swallowed his food and nodded, then took a sip of his sprite.

"What did you and Pete do up in your room? Like, when you played the music really loudly?"

He smiled and shook his head, wiping away another tear on his sleeve.

"We would just sit there and look at each other," he croaked. "We sort of just connected with the music, you know?"

He nodded and Mikey began to talk again.

"He was depressed. It was awful, actually. He would come over at like three in the morning every night crying because of his nightmares. He's done it since the seventh grade. Maybe he did it."

Gerard started eating again, trying not to think of the worse.

"What if he did commit?" He asked, his eyes filling with tears again. "Oh my god, I didn't even know, Gerard. He could have been trying to tell me."

"Mikey, please don't try to think of the worse," Gerard said, reaching over the table to lightly squeeze his crying brother's shoulder. "Pete is alive, you know it and I know it. He was a fighter. We'll find him."

It looked as if a lightbulb appeared over his head when he looked up at Gerard. He could tell by the crazy look in his eye, even if he was still crying, that he had a (probably extremely stupid) idea.

Please don't say those five words. Please, god, Zeus, any other gods: do NOT let him say those five fucking words.

"We have to find him."

Oh dear God.

"Mikey, that's what the police are doing, you can't just-"

"No, Gerard! We have to find him!" He sobbed. "I love him."

Gerard knew what love was like; it was a painful stab in your chest when the person you loved was hurt.


And that was how Gerard got his brother to stop crying for the rest of the day.

1st chapter yayy!! I promise the others (except for petes most of the time oops) will be longer

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