(A.N: Forgive me i have forgotten most of season 1 xD)
The blank look in the bear's eyes was never changeing, even as the blonde female lead helplessly on the graveyard's cold hard floor with the purple haired vampire pinning her down.
Your/teddy's 'POV'
Looking out over the scenery of grave stones and trees, faint sucking noises could be heard below you. It didn't bother you anymore as
1. you had very little emotion
2. After 600 years you were bound to get used to it.
Minutes passed and the girl had fainted, per usual. Kanato chuckled slightly before removing himself from her and walking towards your slouched form and picked you up.
"ne teddy, why are humans so weak?" He mumbled, staring down at you with soft eyes.
Obviously you didn't answer as your mouth was sewed shut.
-Time skiiippp-
It had started getting lighter and the sun began to rise. The dinning room was extrememly quiet which was also normal..besides from Ayato and Laito harrasing the blonde girl and Kanato talking to himself.
-Another time skip cuz i cant write-
It had gotten fairly 'late' and the Purplette had decided to return to his room with you in tow. As you entered the room you had been placed on the chair whilst Kanato got ready for bed. Your thoughts strolled onto different things however one thought caused you to stop thinking about anything else
'Maybe i should take a stroll tonight...it could be interesting...but i cant be caught, hmm'
Yup i know its crappy and short but ehh its like 2 am and i can't write xD The next chapter and co will hopefully be better then this :P Hope...you somehow enjoyed anddd cya in the next chapter ;)

❤ Stuffed ❤Kanato x Teddy!Reader
Fanfiction¯\_(ツ)_/¯ I thought this would be a unique idea and not to weird xD Hope you enjoooyyyyy ツ Mature filters on only cuz i dunno wat i will right....there will VERY unlikely be a lemon within this cuz i cant psychially (dunno if i spelt that right) wr...