❤A distant memorie❤

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Yui had fainted the moment her body touched the bed. You stared silently at her unconcious form, a spiral of emotions swirling in your stomach both of those things you didn't have before. Knowing some of these emotions you could point out that you felt guilty, sad, wary and annoyed. Your lips curled up slightly, you had remembered something, something important. 

You snapped from your oblivious state when the feeling of a new presence had entered, not Kanato however. 

"Oi, the fuck are you? what are you doing with chichinashi?" 

Turning, the red haired twin of your 'owner' was glaring at you with emerald eyes. His eyes scanned you before raising an eyebrow and smirked:

"you look like that stupid bear that hysterics so fond of" Ayato stepped forward, so that he was now fully infront of you. "Heh, your face isn't to ugly either...your body's ok as well i guess"

You tilted your head at his statement what was he saying? your face wasn't ugly and neither was your body? was this how humans/vampires tried to seduce each other, if it was then it was obviously disgusting. (E/c) orbs stared up at piercing green ones before your eyebrows arched slightly with an aggitated look. "No thank you" You replied blankly before taking your leave with the questioning and shocked face of Ayato staring at your back the hole time, he didn't even have time to protest.

Sighing you slung your legs over the bars of the belcony and sat ontop of it, much like Kanato did when you were just a stuffed toy. In reality you had always been alive...just not with a movable body. This was because of the vampiric ashes left inside of you and the parts of a soul it bared, reconstructing a new soul inside of the bear toy. It was hard for yourself to understand, you weren't that idiot of a mother called Cordelia...yet you were made from her remains...how odd. Thinking back on this you stared at the sky, the sun ony just rising, warming up your new flesh. Looking out at the scenery, it made you think back, back the when you were just a stuffed toy...and you had met him, your purpled haired companion.

-Flash back ;D-

It was dark, and kinda cold...the smell of expensive wood filled your button nose. You led limply in the confined space, not being able to move any of your limbs was quite annoying actually. So instead you just stared at what was apperently the roof of the box. Your ears perked up when a womans chuckle could be heard and then a sharp yet 'elegant' voice spoke "fufu, arn't these the most rarest pearls in the world? hehe...what an idiot, yet its a sweet sentiment, he must think that i'm the rarest thing in the world" The voice sighed and then you felt the 'box' that you were in being picked up. The lid was taken off and your black beady eyes stared up at dark emerald ones, a woman stared back down at you with what you could see purple hair which was quite long and red lipstick lining her narrow lips. Her face distorted into pure dislike and disgust. She pulled you out by the tip of your ear. 

"And what is this?" She asked nobody "Does he think im a child? i dont want toys..."She growled, eyes narrowing at your soft body. Her face lit up before she called an odd name 'Kanato' In an instant a purpled haired boy, presumably her son was stood next to the sofa she was sat on. 

"Yes mother?" His small voice spoke, laced with hope. It took him a second to realise what his mother was holding. 

She held you out to him, your head slouching to the side. "Here, this is a present from me...well...take it then" 

'Kanato' looked at his mother then back to you and you noticed a small smile on his porceline face. "T-thank you mother" He grinned, holding you close to him. 

The green eyed woman smirked and then looked away from him "Yes well, you are his son you deserve what ever you desire, now off with you, i have buisness to...attend to." 

Kanato nodded and started walking away, you wrapped in his arms. Your mind was blank, you felt nothing. Apart from a small whisper "ill keep you safe...T..t...Teddy" 

-End of flash back-

You looked down at the open space before you. You felt that your face was wet. Why? oh yes...it was this weird thing that happened when humans were sad...water would come from the eyes. Yelling could be heard from not to far away, and it slowly came from the stairs.




The doors swung open, revaling a disheveld purplette. His intense stare falling over you as he quickly walked to your spot and wrapped his arms around you, it felt nice but...it wasn't the same. 

"WHERE HAVE YOU BEEN?! STOP WALKING OFF"His face turned to a crazed smile "Or ill have to chop your legs off to stop you from leaving"

Threats were what you were used to so it didn't really affect anything. As a reply you nodded and shifted in his arms before taking your eyes off of him and back to the rising sun. 

He's not the same 

❤ Stuffed ❤Kanato x Teddy!ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now