❤Left behind❤

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You stood silently as small tears dropped from your face onto the wooden floor below you.


No reply was heard as the room that you had just been transported to, presumably Kanato's fell silent, secretly you were begging something or someone to walk in and apperently today was your...somewhat lucky day. The door opened once again and The blonde girl walked in smiling. That was until her sherbert eyes met Kanatos disaproving stare. You turned slightly and gave her a shy smile.

"so...you did know where he...she was" 

"i-i...uh n-"

In an instant Kanato stood before her, his surprisingly calm expression scaring the blonde even futher. 

"Yui-san why didn't you tell me Teddy's where-a-bouts?" His voice sounding like it would snap at any minute. 

"b-because i...i didn't k-know it was...her" The uneasy silence returned, Yui looked like she was about to burst into tears whilst Kanato stared at her silently.

"you lie...yOU LIAR" Suddenly Yui was slammed into the wall behind with Kanato's hand around her throat for the 3rd or 4th time that day. "Heh..ha.hahahaha, Yui-san did you really think i would belive thAT STUPID EXCUSE?! DO YOU TAKE ME FOR A BLOODY FOOL?!


"AND YOUR LYING TO ME AGAIN, ITS OBVIOUS YOU THINK I AM, DO YOU REALLY WANT TO ANGER ME THIS MUCH..?!?!? i wont forgive you...i wont...forgIVE YOU!!" The grip on Yui's throat increased so much that her face looked slightly purple. Surprisingly you felt sort of bad maybe even guilty...she was trying to protect you and teaching you to be more human. Should you help her? 

"Kanato stop." you muttered quietly, he didnt hear you.


"KANATO" You yelled louder, catching his attention. Yui's almost dead body slumped to the floor, coughing and weezing. Turning, he tilted his head and stared back at you.

"Teddy...why did you yell at me? i was just protecting you" 

"Well its annoying, i can protect myself now" You growled before walking passed him and helped Yui to her feet with support. You gave him a sharp glare before leaving for Yui's room.

Kanato watched the door close, hatred boiling inside for the blonde girl. First she hides Teddy from him and then takes her for herself...how dangourously stupid was this girl? 

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