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Your dull eyes stared at the far wall, your thought process had slowed down and so now you felt like you were before, empty.

Arms had secured you in place and you could barely move any limbs let alone breathe, your captor wasn't asleep either instead he was glaring holes into the back of your head, his violet orbs traveled down the long locks of your hair and an evil idea came to mind, his lips curled into a smirk.

A small sigh passed your own lips as minutes ticked on and the night felt like it'd last forever
Your head inched round and your eyes traveled upwards to meet the dangerous gaze of Kanato

"You are aware that I can't let you get away with what you did earlier, yes?"

You already knew what was coming so you just turned back around
"Yea...also please call me (y/n)"

"I WILL CALL YOU WHATEVER I WANT TO YOU UNGRATEFUL BIT--" He paused before letting out an annoyed sigh "Don't talk to me like that or else I will increase your punishment"

You nodded and quietly apologised 

"Now" Kanato sinisterly giggled "you'll allow me to cut your hair"

You looked surprised, was that it? You weren't complaining however, you'd seen what his punishments are like up close...was he being...murcyful?
"Ok, you can cut my hair if you'd like..."

That was the worst thing you could of said

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