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It had been about half an hour since the scrap between yourself and Kanato, you touched your now short hair, remembering how jealous and angered he looked when cutting it.
It gave you a slight feeling of dread which wasn't a pleasant one. You were now aware of Kanato's boiling hatred towards the blonde but for some reason you felt compelled to protect her from him...was this what general friendship is?

After wandering for a little bit longer you came across the door to Yui's room and decided to enter. Inside the room was empty, looking around briefly you spotted a note on the dresser, making your way to it was a bit of a hassle since you were blind in one eye and the room was unusually messy.

Picking up the note the girls (e/c) eyes scanned the note before dropping it and disappearing out of of the room.
The note fluttered to the ground,

              "Yui, meet me at my doll
                House, I want to apologise"

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 17, 2017 ⏰

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