The brown locks of hair fell to the floor, the girls (e/c) orbs were glued to the wall, you didn't understand how this was a punishment, especially from Him. The male behind you giggled to himself "Teddy-San, I finished"
A mirror was placed infront of you, and upon inspection he had given you a small messy Bob (sorta like Hinami's from Tokyo ghoul)
"It's...nice" You muttered unemotionally.
Kanato stayed quiet for awhile, the silence turning into an uncomfortable atmosphere. You knew what was coming.
"It's nice?" He repeated "why...WHY ARE YOU SO EMOTIONAL AND HAPPY WHEN YOUR WITH YUI?!" He shrieked, grabbing your hair and yanking your head back. The pain was something you weren't used to, your face cringed in agony as your neck clicked "HOWEVER WHEN YOUR WITH ME YOU TURN INTO A FLOPPY UNGRATEFUL WRECK" He breathed before pulling your head to the side and pushing his face into your neck, it seemed as if he was about to bite you although that wasn't the case.
"I...hate you" he growled"I hate you to kanato"

❤ Stuffed ❤Kanato x Teddy!Reader
Fanfiction¯\_(ツ)_/¯ I thought this would be a unique idea and not to weird xD Hope you enjoooyyyyy ツ Mature filters on only cuz i dunno wat i will right....there will VERY unlikely be a lemon within this cuz i cant psychially (dunno if i spelt that right) wr...