BlackLivesMatter movement

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The lady up there deserves a huge hug for me.

She is right about everything. The BLM movement i selfish and stupid. Go ahead and call me racist (Even though it would not make sense at all) or whatever but I will never support the movement itself.

Yes Black lives matter.

But so does the victims of terrorism, 9/11 victims, people who is dying everyday in the streets or hospitals, and so does animals (I am a vegetarian so fuck off).

Every lives matter you dumbwats.

And many people in the movement wants peace and shit, but yet they are trashing stores and killing cops.
Fighting fire with fire = more fire.

I feel deeply depressed  when a cop kills a dark skin for no reason, but when someone dies then pay attengion to them. Not the fucking movement.

There is also a video where people were having a ceremony for the gay club that got shot down and this one girl stand on stage. I smiled because I thought she was going to say something nice about the victims. But no.
She talked about the BLM movement instead of the victims. Can you not be anymore offensive? It is like going to a church and preaching about Satan.

Congrats to the lady in the video. Seriously, someone needs to make her run for president. I'd definitely vote for her.

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