I just don't get it. School is actually easy if you give a damn. Everyone whine, moan, bitch, and complain about P.E., essays, tests, and etc.
Lol, so let me tell you this;I just started sophomore year. I realized that school is fun once you start doing what you are supposed to do and stay on track with your assignments.
And do you realize that your school is trying to keep you healthy and in shape when it comes to P.E.?
Tests wouldn't be so hard if you do your work and pay attention to the assignments you are given. Hell, it won't be as difficult if you actually pay attention to the lessons. From me doing my assignments and stuff I wouldn't even need to study. I can eemember things from the top of my head. And there is alqays notes in case if you forget.
It would be the same for some of you if you give a single damn.If you dont then remember who will end up on the streets.
This one girl in my math class is already failing because she is not doing any of her work. And it was the second or third week, freshman or not.
Many of you need to quite moaning and complaining about school and be GRATEFUL that you can get a good education.Just go in early, write notes down, do your homework or classwork, then turn it in. It is simple. Some of you just needs to stay on track and quite being lazy.
Right now I am staying in sick, and I already have messaged my teachers to send me my missing work or notes so I can do them and get good grades. There shouldn't be any excuses.
Rant Book. -CLOSED-
Random♥ If you are suffering then you are not alone. Let's all bitch together about life. ♥