Chapter 23 - A Good Feeling

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Adrian's P.O.V

It's the second day of school and I don't even want to get up out of bed. It's not that I hate school, I just feel lazy today. I'm Adrian Cruise and i'm 17 years old. I go to Hollywood Hills High and i'm the captain of the soccer team there. Yea i'm popular. Actually i'm the most popular guy in school. I am on the soccer team. I'm in the dance club. Yea I love dancing. I can get any girl I want without saying a full sentence. I throw party's and I have alot of friends but only two best friends.

I'm a high school jock but i'm not like all the other jocks who sleep with a different girl every night. Even though I can get any girl I want, i've never gotten that close to any girl. I've had only two girlfriends but it didn't work out. And I have no time wasting on girls who is willing to throw themselves at me without me even asking so I haven't had a girlfriend in like six months.

I'm focusing on my schoolwork and soccer which are the most important things to me right now. I'm waiting for the right girl to come along and when she does i'll know. My friends think i'm an idiot waiting for the right girl but I don't care.

I don't even have to worry about college because I have already gotten into UCLA because of how good I am at soccer. They want me to join their team when I leave high school and I am so excited about it.

My father owns branches of shipping companies worldwide and my mother owns fashion design group of companies worldwide. So yea they're rich. I have a little brother. He's 12 years old. Even though my parents work alot they still make time for us. Always coming to my soccer games and my brother's ice hockey games.

It's time for me to get ready for school so I got out of bed and went straight to my bathroom. After showering and dressing I grab my bag and phone and went downstairs.

I got an apple because I wasn't feeling hungry and was about to head out when mom stopped me.

"Adrian. Go eat your breakfast", I heard her saying from behind me. So I turn around to face her.

"I'm not hungry mom. Plus if I stop to eat then i'm gonna be late for school", I said.

"Fine. Go on then. Have a great day", she said waving me off.

Then I left and went to the garage, got my 2016 audi A3 and drove to school. I really love my car. I never let anybody drive it. It's my baby and I can't let people hurt my baby. When I reach school I park in my regular spot and got out of my car and was greeted by my friends.
(A/N: I don't know anything about cars)

"Hey bro. You're late today. I should know because you always reach before me", Nate said.

Nate and I are best friends since forever. We grew up together. We practically live at each other's house.

"Yea I know. I feel lazy today", I shrugged.

"You and lazy? That's a weird combination. But I bet training will get you active again", my next best friend Tyler said.

Nate and I met Tyler in junior year of high school and we've being really good friends since.

Nate is the hyperactive one, Tyler is the wild one and I'm the laidback one. I'm the one who keep them out of trouble and save them when they get in trouble.

"I know right. Can't wait for practice", I said smiling.

After that the bell rang and we head to class. My first class was mathematics so I went there just in time before the teacher came. I'm a good student in school. I get straight A's in all my classes but only my teacher, friends and parents know that. Everyone at school only like me because i'm captain of the soccer team, i'm popular, i'm rich and of course handsome and super hot. I just want someone other than my friends and family to like me for me.

Then the teacher started writing on the board and I just realized that I wasn't even listening to him. Then he turn around to face the students again.

"Okay students. Who can give me the answer to the question on the board?" He asked.

I look at the board and saw that the question was kind of easy. I was about to raise my hand but the teacher had already pointed on a girl with her hand up.

"The answer is negative two on the y-axis and positive three on the x-axis", she answered in a sweet smooth voice.

"That's correct. Good job Ayla", the teacher commented smiling at her.

I couldn't see her face because she was in front of me but she had curly brown hair. For the rest of the class I still didn't see her face. Then when class over I got up and started packing up my things then I look up but she was already gone. So I walked out of class and to my locker before next class when I bumped into someone because I was busy in my thoughts and not looking where I was going.

"Oh shit. I'm sorry. My mistake. I wasn't...", but I trailed off when I saw her hair. The same brown hair I saw in maths class. Then she looked up at me and her beauty took my breath away.

Her eyes showed so much emotion a guy could get lost in them. I felt something just by looking at her but I don't understand what it is. Then I realized I was staring and not saying anything when she stood up.

"It's okay. My fault as well", she said shyly.

"Were you just coming from maths class?" I asked wanting to be sure it's her.

"Yea. How did you know?" She asked curiously.

"I think we have the same maths class. I thought I saw you there that's why. I'm Adrian Cruise", I replied holding out my hand for her to shake.

"Okay. Ayla Holmes", she said shaking my hand. Her hands are so soft and little.

"Nice name, Ayla. I like it", I said smiling.

"Thank you", she said blushing. "Well I got to get to class so see you around".

Then she walked off. I wanted to talk to her more but she left. All day I only thought about her and her angelic voice. She was different from the other girls. She didn't even seem to care that I was popular or maybe she didn't know. But it's the first time i'm seeing her so she's probably new.

I saw her at lunch but she was busy talking to her friends that she didn't notice anybody else in the cafeteria. And I didn't have the courage to go and talk to her. And that's a first because i'm good with talking to girls. But as I say she's different. And I want to get to know her. I just have a good feeling about this girl.


Question: What do you think about Adrian?


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