Chapter 2 - Striving

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After a long day at work I got a cab and went home. When I reached my apartment building I paid the cab driver then took the staircase up to my apartment. I took out my keys open the door then went inside and close the door behind me.

I was greeted by the darkness so I turned on the light. I went in the kitchen open the small fridge and took out the left over sandwich that I made this morning and eat it with some water. I don't have the money to buy decent food. The little money I work is to pay my rent so I don't live on the streets.

Nobody knows my real age here. My boss, co-workers, landlord and neighbors all thinks i'm 18. I don't have any friends. I have never had a friend in my entire life. I was a lonely child growing up but I had my schoolwork, my books and art to keep my company.

Whenever I feel sad or frustrated or angry, I would just draw or paint and I would instantly feel better doing that. My mother and art teacher was the only two persons who knew I could do art. They loved that about me and they both said that I would become an artist one day because my drawings were amazing to them.

I remember what my mom said to me the day before she died....


I was in my mother's hospital room. The doctor just told me that she wouldn't live much longer. The cancer has spread so the chances of her staying alive is very slim. I was crying when the doctor was telling me this. Despite the fact that my mom and I argue all the time, I still love her. I love her with all my heart and I don't want her to die. I don't know what i'm gonna do without her. My mom is all I got.

I sat by her bed face palm. I felt someone touched my hand so I look up to see my mom holding out her hand for me to take. She looked so pale. I put my hand in hers and she smiled.

"My baby girl", my mother said. She haven't called me that in a long time.

"I want know that....I love you....very much.... And I will with you...know matter what. I don't want give up on your drawing. I know you love it.......and it makes you really please continue to do it....okay. Take care of yourself....and don't let anybody....take you for are so special".

I couldn't help but cry. I didn't want her to die. I can't live without her. How will I survive without her?

"Please don't leave me mom. I can't live without you". I said with tears flowing down my cheeks.

She used one of her hand to dry my tears and the other holding my other hand.

"You will be ok sweetie...I promise", she said gently.

"I love you mom", I said softly.

"I will always be with you my beautiful baby girl", she said quietly.

I cried and hugged her...

End of flashback

I started crying remembering this. I miss my mother so much. I wish she was still here with me. If I could go back in time I would change everything bad I said to her and never argue with her. But it's too late now, I can't go back in time, and I can't bring her back.

I went to the bathroom showered and brushed my teeth, put on my shorts and t-shirt then I went into my bed. I didn't want to sleep though. Then I heard my phone buzzed.

My boss Mrs Sullivan gave me the phone I had so she could contact me. I don't have any friends or family so only my boss number, my landlord number and my neighbor Ms Wilson number was in it.

I check to see a message from a number I don't know so I opened the message.

Becca: Hi Ayla it's Becca from work. I got your number from Mrs Sullivan. I know it's late but I just wanted to check up on seem down today.. you ok?

Wow just when I thought I didn't have anyone who cared about me.

Me: Hi Becca. It's ok, i'm awake..and i'm kind of sad... I was thinking about my mother

Becca: Why? Is she ok? Is something wrong with her?

Sigh. I don't really like talking about my mom but she's just concerned.

Me: Actually she died a couple months ago..

Becca: Omg i'm so sorry.. My sincerest condolences to you Ayla. How did she die? If you don't mind me asking.

Me: Thank you Becca. She had breast cancer.

Becca: Oh wow. That must've being hard.
11:36pm still is. The worst thing ever.

Me: Yes it is..

Becca: Don't worry ok Ayla. Everything will work out just fine. You'll see.

Me: I hope your right.

Becca: Yes. Get some sleep and i'll see you at work tomorrow okay?

Me: Yea okay. Good night Becca

Becca: Good night Ayla

I put down the phone and thought over what Becca just said. I hope she's right and everything works out fine. Then I close my eyes and soon sleep took over me.

Question: What do you think about Ayla?


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