Chapter 14 - Confession

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Ayla's P.O.V

It's Thursday and I just got home from work. So I showered got dress then made myself something to eat. After that I watched tv but i'm not really into it i'm just thinking about today.

I can't believe that I have a best friend now. A couple months ago I would never thought I would get a friend moreover a best friend. I'm so happy. I've never being this happy before. This is a new feeling for me and i'm liking it alot.

Now two people know the truth about me and i'm glad I was able to talk about it. It feels good for other's to know. I was cut from my thoughts when I heard my phone ringing. I look to see the caller id says Ms Hayles.

"Hello", I answered.

"Hi Ayla how are you doing?" She asked.

Even on the phone her voice sounds friendly and sweet.

"I'm ok Ms Hayles. And you?"

"That's good and i'm great. I was wondering if we could meet again. I have something really important to talk to you about", she said.

"Uh...sure. Where will we meet?" I asked.

"How about tomorrow evening, for dinner at the Orion Gardens Resort?" She asked.

Orion Gardens Resort is such an expensive place but I have to go nonetheless. What she has to talk about sounds really important. I don't care if I don't fit in with everyone their.

"Okay", I said agreeing with her.

"Great. I'll see you then. Good night Ayla", she said. I could hear the happiness in her voice.

"Yes, good night Ms Hayles", I said then she hang up.

I wonder what she wants to talk to me about.


The next day in the evening...

Kate's P.O.V

I am now at the Orion Gardens Resort waiting for Ayla. I called her last night to asked her to meet me here to talk about something really important. Thankfully she accepted my invitation.

What I want to talk to her about is the fact that I want to adopt her. I hope she understands why I want this and don't take it the wrong way because the last thing I want is to scare her off.

Just then I saw her walking towards me wearing a pink and black knee-length wavy dress and black pumps. Her hair was let down with a black hair band around it. And I notice that she's wearing that silver necklace. She always has it on. I'm guessing it holds some special meaning to her.

"Hi Ms Hayles good evening", She said giving me a slight smile then sit down in front of me.

"Good evening Ayla. You look really nice", I said smiling at her.

She really did look nice. Simple yet daring. Everyone here probably thinks she look cheap and doesn't belong in a place like this because that's how snobby they are. But I think she looks adorable.

"Thank you. You look beautiful", She said.

"Thank you dear", I smiled.

Then the waiter came and I ordered for both of us.

"So I asked you to come here because I want to talk to you about something really important. I don't want you to take what I have to say the wrong way. I'm just looking out for you. Okay?" I said calmly.

"Okay. So what is it?" She asked looking at me curiously.

"I want to adopt you as my daughter", I said calmly.

"Say what now?!" She asked confused and surprised at the same time.

"Okay let me explain. I don't have any kids. Actually, I can't have kids. That's why my marriage didn't work out. So, for the past two weeks i've being trying to find a daughter to adopt because I have always wanted a daughter. I've being busy with work so that's why i'm just taking up this adopting option now", I explained.

I stop to notice her but her face was blank and she was just staring at me. Then the waiter came with our food and neither of us touched it but I continued.

"I went to an orphanage last week but I didn't find anyone there who I wanted to adopt. And then I met you and I started feeling something i've never felt before. It made me want to be around you more. I realize that I was connecting with you. I feel a bond forming between us but I don't know if you feel it too".

"Something is telling me that I should adopt you. I feel like it's the right thing to do and it's what I want. But I can't force you into this so I understand if you don't want this. I just want a better life for you. I mean you are so young. You should be in school studying to become what you want to achieve and not working at this age to support yourself".

She looked at me with teary eye and I know she's going to cry. So I went beside her and hug her. Then I heard her sniffling. After a few minutes of holding her I pulled away to see tears on her cheek so I get a tissue from my purse and dry her tears.

"I don't know what to say Ms Hayles. I'm so confused", She said shaking her head.

"It's okay. I completely understand. I don't expect you to answer me right away. Think it over. Take all the time you need", I said reassuring her.

"Okay. I just have one question though. Why me?" She asked.

"Because your a special girl. I know you're sad, hopeless, confused and frustrated. Your hurting on the inside. You think that because of your status someone like me wouldn't want to have anything to do with you. But i'm not like that. I want what's best for you. I want to change your sorrows to joy and your pain to a smile. I want you to be happy", I said sincerely.

Then she smiled and that smile gave me hope.

That's when I realize that we didn't touch our food. So I came up with an awesome idea. I have to cheer her up. She look to be in deep thoughts.

"Hey let's get out of here and get pizza instead. What'd you say? Plus this food is already cold", I said cheerily.

Then she looked up at me and smile.

"That's sounds great".


So I got the check from the waiter, paid then we left. We went to a pizza place order pepperoni pizza which was both of us favourite surprising to me. Then we ate and talk about random things until it was time to go home.

"As I said Ayla, just think about what I said and let me know what you decide. And if you have any question just call me and ask".

"Okay. I'll do that. Thank you Ms Hayles", She said.

"Thanks for what?" I asked.

"For being so nice to me and understanding me", She said simply.

"Of course".

Then we reached her apartment building. It makes me angry thinking she's living here. This place has no security guard's. And she's living here all alone. I hope she accepts my offer. She'll be safer at my house and more comfortable too.

"Thanks for the ride. Well, good night Ms Hayles". She said smiling.

"Your welcome and good night Ayla" I said returning the smile.

Then she got out and I watched her disappearing into the building. Just then a part of me felt empty. And I know that Ayla is the only person that can fill it.


Question: What do you think is going on in Ayla's mind after what Kate told her?


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