Shield of Love

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(This story is NOT like the real Greek Mythology story. The plot and some powers are made up. Please forgive me if some of the details are wrong, I do try my best to look up everything. Enjoy!)  

The day the sun was supposed to rise became a day of disaster as part of the earth burned with fire.

The annual summit of the gods took place every 10 years to discuss "godly matters."
But this year was a tragedy.

I lay on the ground, covering myself with a magic shield as the sun-scorched the earth. My owl companion was shivering in fear as I tried to calm it the best way I could. The roof of mount Olympus was burning immensely quick as the sight a Helios's chariot came into view.
Except Helios wasn't on it; Helios was screaming at Zeus when he pulled out his lighting bolts.

"Ahh! I panicked as my shield gave way. The first thing I thought was, am I going to die this way. Without stature, happiness, or even finding love?

With the clothes on my back beginning to burn away and my skin being pierced with miraculous heat, my consciousness began to give way.
At this moment, I knew that gods were vulnerable and a victim to the great sun. A powerful heat, that maxed any heat source known on earth. I suddenly began to worry about my city, Athens, and the priestesses at my temple. However, this situation was beyond my godly power. If I were to die today, I pray to Zeus that my work on the heavens and the earth will be remembered.

...Then Suddenly...

Wet...Cool...calm... a bed of ice flooded over me as I opened my eyes once again.

A wall of beautiful blue water covered me in a spherical shape. I blinked a couple of times trying to adjust my sights to the man above me.

Poseidon, God of the sea stood with his trident and covered my body with his power.
Out of all the things I've experienced in my life, this was one of the best.
Water droplets filled the silent sapphire bubble as the sea god looked at the fiery sky. It's hardly imaginable how quiet it is in this globe of water. I still fear for the searing pain of everyone else who is not being protected as I am now.

I looked at his impending glory before he looked in my direction. My heartbeat faster when I peered into the eyes of my forbidden savior. I shivered under his presence. 

"Are you alright?" Was the first thing he said and it brought me back to life.

I could barely answer with my throat being dry. It came out in a hoarse whisper, "I owe you my life." Poseidon smiled when he heard it. He understood immediately.

Poseidon manipulated a ball of water and leaned over me.
He placed his hands on my bottom lip and pulled it lower.


I opened my mouth wider and drank as I was told. My eyes never left his in this dire situation. In my mind, he was the only thing that mattered.

Indues time, Zeus seized his screaming and pushed Helios aside. He aimed in bolt towards the person in the fiery chariot. Helios began to cry once again, begging Zeus not to kill his son, but the mighty Zeus did not listen and threw a white bolt into the air.

"Hermes!" Zeus called and quickly Hermes flew into the hot air and caught the falling boy. Soon after, Apollo boarded the sun god's chariot and struggled to control the fiery steeds. From this distance, I could tell Apollo was soothing them with his magical voice and beautiful songs. The horses soon slowed to a steady speed and Apollo swiftly pulled the sun away from the earth.

Poseidon lifted his shield by slamming his trident to the ground. Then he turned around and helped me up to my feet. At first, I staggered a little,  but the sea god did not let me fall.
"Here." He said as he draped a piece of his clothing on my exposed body. I had almost forgotten that nearly all my clothes had burned away during the fire. My cheeks felt hot from the sun exposure and I turned my head away so Poseidon wouldn't see. This was not a sight a war goddess should show anyone. My pureness and innocence were to be forever only known to me and only me.

Suddenly, we heard wailing as Helios leaned over his son.
Phaethon, lay there unmoving and smoldered to a crisp. I remembered when Helios bragged about his newly found son; he was happy to have a child of his own and would do anything for him. But this was not it. I know Helios did not want his son to ride the chariot to a sunrise, but I also knew that Helios wanted his son to love him. So he let him do whatever and now look where that got him.

"This was to be his fate since you let him attempt to raise the sun." Zeus's voice broke my thoughts.

"Forgive me, Zeus. I just-"

"You just naught! I am handing the job over to Apollo."

"Wait, father that's-" Apollo said as he entered the room.


"Hermes, deliver a note to everyone telling them of what has happened and my decision of the new sun god."

"Yes father," Hermes said as He sped out of the room.

"Father! You cannot just simply give the job to me. I have other duties to attend to and require sleep."

"Apollo, you will do as I say, no questions asked." Zeus slowly walked away from the matter and left Apollo to mope. I could only feel bad for Apollo from afar since I'm in no predicament to interfere.

The gods began to scatter about leaving Helios to pick up the remains of his son. Such a sad sight. Even I must admit that my seemingly cruel heart, feels bad for the replaced sun God.

Poseidon also began to leave. I felt startled...I still had much to say to him. So I ran after him.


He turned around, letting his brown locks touched his shoulders. He was the first man I deemed as beautiful.


"I wanted to thank you... Poseidon, I owe you my life." I slightly bowed my head.

"You already said that." When I lifted my head, Poseidon was smiling. A most beautiful smile at that. One I never seemed to notice before.

"I-I know it's just... I C-Can't thank you enough." I mentally slapped myself for stuttering. No one else was supposed to see this side of me.

A soft hand landed on my shoulder making my heart skip a beat. Poseidon patted my shoulder while using his other hand to pull his cloak further up my shoulders.
"Keep this on tightly, you don't want everyone to see you nude." All too soon, Poseidon lets go of my shoulder and bowed his head. "You're welcome, my goddess." With that, he turned around with his trident at hand and walked away.

No amount of words can tell me how I feel right now. Poseidon, the gruff, temperamental, harsh loving whore, made my heart hurt. To the point where my knees were weak.
But why?

He is nothing but a stance of the water, and an enemy to many so why do I feel this way for him.
But who's to say how love really works...especially since I'm a virgin goddess.

I can't help but want him...Poseidon, the god of the sea.

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