I like you

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Chapter 23: I like you

I bit my lip as I waved sheepishly at all of them. As they continued to glare at me, I decided the best thing was for me to put my hand down.

"So....What a coincidence I found you here! Well you know the kids, always causing trouble. Better get going, have a nice night!" I chirped as I tried to walk past all of them, out the front doors, but Cole stopped me.

"Angel. Where the hell do you think your doing here?" He growled out angrily through clenched teeth. His anger seeping into every word he said.

I gulped as I smiled nervously. "Not drugging anyone that's for sure." I laughed nervously.

"What?" Jason asked with amusement clear in his eyes.

"I mean, where would I even get drugs? The swap meet? A dark alley? Home depot? I wouldn't know! For all I know it could be in popcorn!" I rambled on, quickly adding, "But definitely not in a cotton candy bag."

By Coles reaction, I wish I had stopped at the popcorn. His eyes widened in realization as Sofia gave me a suspicious look.

"Angelica. Are you okay?" Sofia asked slowly, not used to my ramblings. I ran everything that happened to me these past few days though my mind.

Am I okay? I've been shot at, stabbed, I almost kissed my crush, I've found out about all these gangs, found out my sisters alive, and found out she's going to kill three boys I'm pretty fond of. I shouldn't be okay, but I am. Not because I didn't care about the boys, I do. But, because I know that I'm going to stop her from doing so, somehow.

I started to slightly nod but my mind was going elsewhere, completely disconnected from my body.

I care about these three boys. Sure I met them less than a month ago and I shouldn't care this much about them. I mean, they've put me in dangerous situations, almost had me killed a couple times, but I do care about them. Sofia knows I do, and she wants to kill them anyways.

"You know what, no. I'm not okay." I shouted out randomly, coming back to the current situation I was in. I looked up to see confused faces all around me, but I only focused on Sofia. "You lied to me. Made me think you were dead. Dead, Sofia! Not only did you lie to me but so did you two." I looked over at my two uncles, who tried avoiding eye contact. "That is horrible and unforgivable but you know what? I was going to forgive you, because I love you."

"Now your going to kill three of my best friends?" I looked over at the three boys to see Dean open his mouth to protest.

"Actually, were no-"

"Shut up Dean!" I snapped along with Cole and Jason.

"I didn't know they meant that much to y-" I cut her of with a humorless laugh.

"Don't give me that bull. I know for a fact that Andrew told you how much I cared about them and you didn't care. All you want, is to win. Win a war that is most likely about something so stupid." She glared at the boys but kept her mouth shut as I continued.

"Right now you should be worrying about someone way more dangerous then them. Because they are not going to hurt me. They kept me safe, okay. The person who's going to hurt me is the person that already has. These boys arent going to hurt me." I stated. Her face was red, she was pissed.

Why was she pissed? I have no clue. All I knew was that a pissed Sofia is a bad Sofia. She would say things without thinking, and that's what she did.

"You know what Angelica? You should be fucking greatful for what I was going to do to them. They don't deserve how much you care about them. They don't, if anyone deserves it, its Alex, Robert, and especially me." She starts, yelling louder by the minute.

"From the second I was gone I had people watching over you! Don't you remember Chris?" She asked as she looked over at a blonde headed boy.

My eyes widened as I stared at him. Chris was the boy that stumbled into the room I was crying in after reading the article. He stayed with me and tried to make me feel better without even knowing my problems. All I knew was that he super drunk; although now that I think about, I didn't smell a hint of alcohol on him.

He was my friend for a week but then out of no where he disappeared.

"He took care of you for a while as I tried to find a person who was your age that would get along with you and take care of you. Didn't you meet Andrew the same day Chris disappeared off the face of the earth?" I looked over at Andrew with glassy eyes.

"I'm sorry, Angelica." He mumbled with pleading eyes, begging for forgiveness.

Was Rachel also one of Sofia's people? I don't even know who to trust anymore.

Sofia rolled her eyes. "I made sure that you always had food and a house to live in." She continued. I gave her a curious look. "What? You think mom and dad had enough money to keep that big ass house with neither of them working? I gave them monthly checks with Alex's and Robert's name on them."

"I made sure you were safe. Not mom, not dad, and sure as hell not these three." She motioned to Cole, Jason, and Dean, all of which where glaring at Sofia, but she stayed unfazed. "Do you want to tell her why you suddenly came into her life?" She asked them.

They shuffled around, clearly uncomfortable with the question. I answered for them. "I was taking care of his little sister." I skipped over the cotton candy part, knowing it was not going to end well. "That's how they got into my life." I finished as Sofia scoffed.

"Is that what you believe? That little girl has had thousands of babysitters, none of which he paid any attention to. And the cotton candy bag you failed to mention, is also not why he stayed in your life. He could have easily gotten another one of those."

She turned to Cole now as she spoke to him. "Now either you tell her why you stayed in her life and were all nice with her or I will." The boys looked at each other, having a conversation with their eyes, trying to decide who would say it.

Cole finally decided it would be him and opened his mouth. "Angel. Before you hear anything, I want to tell you that I like you." He started, my heart fluttered and my tummy filled with butterfly's. My frown turning into a small smile. "I like you." He said again.

"I like you too." I mumbled softly as he smiled sadly at me.

"Enough with the shit, Banks!" Sofia cut in. "Tell her the fucking reason already!" She yelled getting annoyed by how long it was taking.

"I was going to..." He mumbled the last few words out quietly. Not being able to hear him, I took a step further.


"I was going to..." Again, I didn't hear, if anything he was getting quieter.

"You were going to what?" Sofia was getting more annoyed by the second, her hands forming into fists.

"I was going t-"

He was cut off by an outraged and annoyed Sofia yelling, "He was going to kill you!"




yah.... Cliffhanger

Anyways imma update on Halloween day. For sure. I love youuu.



Xoxo -Jackie

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