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How would you feel if you could remember every single detail of your life? Every thing you have ever seen or heard, smelt or tasted? EVERYTHING, well Kathy has lived like this since the day it happened, the day she always tries to forget but never can.


Morning, the time off day everyone hates. School, the reason everybody hates the mornings. Just like no one's likes the first day of school.Even though I hate school its my only get away from the memories. I see the same thing happening over and over again. Since that night I can remember everything that happened that day, night, afternoon, and everyday after that. My life has never been the same after that.

I guess you are probably wondering who am I, well my name is Kathy Leigh-anne. I am nearly 16 years old and i have short brown hair with brown/hazel eyes. I have be trying to forget my past for years, 9 years to be correct. That is how long I have been trying to forget everything, everything from my past, including all the things that most average teenagers would forget about. I have lways tryed to hid from my problems but mostly I try to run from them. I have been the new student thousands of time over the years. I would always get asked the same questions, who are you?, why did you move in the middle off the year?, and the worst one, why don't you show your face?. To you that might be a stupid question instead of the worst well I hid my face so no one would try to get close to me, it is my sense off comfort.

Every new school I went to there was always someone trying to get close to me either as friends or as more, I only ever fell for that once. 9 years ago I would have been the average teenager, lots of friends, family that loved me, and a boyfriend, But that was then i have surived 9 years without anyone who says I need anyone now? I surely didn't.

This year i will not let no one near me, I won't even try to make friends, because this year no one is going to try and find out about what happened, NO ONE!!! Well lets see if I can try and go through this day, off to school, time to be the new girl again but at least one question won't be asked as its the first day for many people.



Hey this is my second book I hope you like it. If you haven't already read my other book please read it, its called 'Gift or Curse?'

Well thanls for reading please





Jess17 :) x

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