Unforgettable Chapter 10

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Sorry for the wait guys have been really busy

Recap of chapter 9

"Now Kathy why wouldn't you want Deep Sea pack to know?" Keiran shouted out from the back.

Oh no i felt it again, he has to be my mate which means the one story my parents always told me to remember was going to come true.

The two packs, Deep Sea and Ocean Blue shall come together as one, as the two alpha's will be mates. I am Keiran's mate and he is mine!!!




I just stood there not wanting to answer him now, or ever, especially infront of my pack. What was i suppose to do?!?!

Keiran also just stood there looking at me. He was obviously waiting for my reply even though i am pretty sure he knows that we are mates and knows about the story but even if he didnt I was goinng to tell him I know anything.

"Because I wanted it to be a surprise and now you have ruined my surprise is there anything else you would like?" I lied but made sure there was some off my alpha tone in there to try and make it more like the truth.

"Oh i'm sorry I was just wondering if we could have a talk you know Alpha to Alpha?" He replied to me.

"Do we have to speak at this moment in time I am kinda in the middle of a pack meeting that doesn't involve you or your pack" I replied smuggly hoping he would just turn around and leave already.

"Well it is kind off important and involves both of our packs so if you don't mind yes it has to be at this moment" he sort off stated then turned and walked in the direction off my new study.

Great. "Well guys im sorry but it looks like I have to go and talk to Alpha Keiran you may resume to what you were doing" I said and then followed after Kerian.


"Cut to the chase Kerian why are you here and how does it involve me and my pack?" I have started to get really annoyed with all his stupid 'conversation' starters and had finally had enough.

Basically since I walked into the Study he has been avoiding the main topic and has been asking stupid questions like how am I.

"OK, well have you parents ever told  you about two packs joining together?" He asked now with full seriousness able to be detected in his words. I mentally gulped and swore, crap he knows.

"Umm may maybe? Uh I think I uh heard of um it?" I stumbled on my words. what was I suppose to say 'oh yeah i know im your mate lets tell the world' or 'yeah are two pacts are meant to join together since we are mates'.

"Well we are kinda mates" he started until I, lovingly, butted in. "What do you mean kinda mates I am either your mate or i'm not which one is it?"

Ok I know that was kinda harsh but then what he said next, well he could have said it much nicer.




It has been weeks since I have spoken to Kerian. Since he tried to explain to me about our fate and basically said that no matter what I will be with him. He has made me a promise that he will get me to either like him, maybe love him before valentines day. Which is next month.

Only one problem.

I think i may just ........................





Sorry for the wait been really busy but from now on, hopefully, when ever im babysitting i will either upload a chpter on to this one or GoC.

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Jess17 :)

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