Unfogettable, Chapter 7

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Previously on Unforgettable

"There is someone at the door saying that they know you from a long time ago, actually its the douche from school he asked if he could please speak with you as it is important."

"Uhh sure where is he" If this is who I think it is he has to explain to me who the f*** he is!!


"Follow me he is in the study"  Elliot said while leading the way out of the door frame.

I smelt him before I saw him but yet when I did see him i felt like killing him.


He sat on a chair infront of a desk which was filled up with papers. liked he owned the place. Papers that must be very important, maybe pack papers?

"Kathy, how wonderful to see you again." his voice was soft voice rang out to me.

"Well Kathy i'll leave you to alone, if there is any problems just shout" Elliot said before turning around to leave.

"Wait! is this room soundproof?" I needed to know that nobody was going to hear what I was going to say.

"Yes it is don't worry I will have guards at the end of the halls so no one comes down and disturbes you as well." came his reply before he left.

"What are you doing here?!?!" I nearly screamed as soon as Elliot left.

"Well I came to talk to a pretty young lady but by the looks of things she wants to shout at me"

"Well I am sorry for shouting at someone who has caused me soo much pain even though I have never meet him face to face until yesterday!!" I was letting out the anger that has been insde of me ever since i first smelt his scent when it happened.

"What are you on about?" he looked confused as if he doesn't have a single clue on what i was talking about.

"Let me remind you then shall I. Nine years ago my loving parents were attacked. There were a mixture of scents, werewolf scents, around my house. I was told to hid that those people wanted my whole family dead.

The funny thing is though after seeing my parents die before my eyes while having to stay hidden in cupboard is that after the werewolves left your very scent stood out to me. Your scent was at my home. Why? come on tell me why your scent was there and why you have come to see me!!"

That was the first time I ever actually spoke about what happened. It may not have been in detail like how many there were or how  they killed them, or even how they didn't find me, but I still spoke about it.

Keiran sat there shocked. "I didn't kill your parents I swear."

"So explain to me why your scent was in my home?!?!" I was starting to really like the idea of killing him to get my answers.

"Fine, I was at your house because me and my mates heard screaming, we didn't know what was happening but we knew that something was wrong. We didn't know who lived there or anything we just walked through the broken blue door and saw 2 people on the floor covered in blood.

We ran to the kitchen to get the phone as we were only about 7/8 we didn't own moblies. We called up an ambulance and then when they got there we told them what we knew and left. I didn't kill them."

So that was why he was there but that doesn't explain how nobody found me. I'm sure that a couple of werewolves would have spotted my scent or something. Right?

"Ok so how come nobody found me? how come you and your mates or the four attackers didn't see/smell/hear me then?"

Keiran looked down at the floor, "I don't know but my wolf did but I couldn't, I am sorry for your loss and the pain but I swear I did nothing to your parents"

I looked at Keiran and even though I somehow believed him I couldn't forgive him as he could have saved me.

"Now I thought I would come and ask you would you like to join my pack, deep sea pack instead of Ocean Blue."

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