Unfofgettable, Chapter 2

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The start of a new year and another new school, yipee NOT. I slowly drove to the school which had taken me abouot half an hour even though yechnically it should off taken about 6-10 minutesif I went the correct way and no the long way. Once i had finally arrived at the school I randomly parked my motorcycle in a space and slowly made my way up to the school. While walking to the large building infront off me everyone had stopped to look at me , oh well,  thought, better to be seen and known than to be hidden in the crowd i guess.The whole stident body was looking at me like I was some type of weirdo, i swear i signed up fo a werewolf school and not a gossip school. Oh yeah I fogot to tell you I am a werewolf, its nice to meet ya.

I slowly made my way up to the front of reception with my head held high and my spirts, well, not. I quietly stood there for about 5 minutes with no-one at the desk, "Hello is anyone there? I have been waiting 'ere for the past 5 minutes!!" I loudly called out to no-one in particular. "Oh you must be Kathy Leigh-Anne, its nice t meet you, here is your timetable and locker number and Alexandra here will show you were your classes are, won't you Alexandra?"an old lady looked to a little, well I say little she had to be about 5"6 I guess, girl looked up holding out her hand, "Hi Kathy i'm Alexandra but you can call  me Alex" Alex said. I gently shoke her hand and gave her my timetable, "well we noth have first, second and forth period together and I have a few friends that have you in third fifth and sixth period, I could get them to how you where the classes are and I can intoduce you to them in first period if you like?" she looked soooo happy asking me that no matter how much I wanted to say no as I didn't want any friends like normal, I had to say yes to her.


*Lunchtime -between period 3 and 4*

It was now lunchtime and even though I just started this school year all the werewolf (student body) were coming over to me asking why I moved here, whrere I was from and what my wolf looked like if I have had my first change. Oh but those question I was already used to because even though I had never really been to an all wolf school and only a public mix school I never had been taught what mates were. You are probably wondering 'why don't ypu just ask them or ask your parents?' Well one because the whole student body would laugh at me and my parents, well they are a completely different topic/conversation for another day.

The rest of lunch went the same way with more akward and confusing werewolf questions llike what was my old pack like, what was my old packs name, I also had someone asking me if I was going to join their pack. One question was stuck on repeat in my mind, WHAT IS A PACK???

Just after that mental question to myself someone with a very strong, but similar, scent difted by me as if they just walked in. He ordered everyone who was not already at this table to leave me alone. Im going to take a random guess and say this had to be some sort of alpha due t the fact everyone but Alex and her frineds left the table without a single thought.

Oh yeah A;ex had introduced me to her 4 bestfriends in first period there was;

Bailey - the geek but really sweet and funny, she had blonde hair and blue eyes, she was round about 5"3.

Jay - the gay bestfriend anyone could ask for (his words not mine, even though he said 'I am the worlds best gay friend to all you girls out there'), he had black hair with tints of lightning blue and hazel eyes, he was aound 6"

Andy - the classic jock execpt he wasn't a player nd never hanged around with the 'it' group unless he had to, he was about 5"9 , he has red hair with sky blue eye's

And Andrea - the bookworm, even though she was a complete bookworm she had bright red hair with blonde streaks in, torquise eyes and was about 5"7.

Anyway back to this voice I heard it sounded a lot like .........................


Thanks for reading, the next chapter might be in different people's p.o.v..

now don't forget to


Jess17 :) x

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