Unforgettable, Chapter 6

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Previously on Gift or Curse?

"um no one told me i was just wondering because they always told me stories about werewolves and a pack called Ocean Blue. I'm sorry I never should have asked in the first place" I slowly said just above a whishper knowing that no matter what she heard me.

"I think it is time you learnt the whole truth about who your oarents are Kathy. They were......."


"Hunny I thought I would have found you in here, oh you must be Kathy, Leah Leigh-anne's daughter, correct?" A older looking Elliot asked, oh this is his dad the current Alpha of Ocean Blue.

"Uh..h yes sir I am" I bowed my head in respect as my Mum and Dad loveed to teach me little things like if I was ever presented infront of an alpha to bow my head in respect.

"Oh Kathy hun, you don't have to bow your head dear, actually we should be doing it to you" Tina stated while I just looked back and forth from TIna and her husband with confused expressions on my face.

"I take it you were about to tell her before i came in, thats why you felt uneasy?!"

"Yes dear I was, Now Kathy before my husband rudely intrupted me, your parents were the rightful Alpha and Luna of Ocean Blue pack which makes you the next Alpha to be or in this case Luna with Alpha blood."

Now I always knew my Mum and Dad where somehow very included or what ever you would call it with this pack as off the way all of Tina's family looked at me and some of the pack i was introduced to.

"Ok so wait how did you know who I was with out really checking, and how did Elliot now?" now i would normally remember everything as i seem not to be able to forget things, but i know for certain that I hve never meet Elliot before.

"well only a member of the Ocean Blue pack would be able to smell the scent of their true rightful Alpha, well only a true member someone born and raised into the pack." Tina's husband who's name i haven't been told but know from the past from Mum and Dad's stories that he is SImone.

"Well is it ok if I go and explore so this information can sink in, sorry im just not really used to hearing about my family much since I lost them" not a complete on my behalf, yes im not used to hearing about my family but this information already sank in and for some weird reason i felt like i had already explored but wanted to refresh old memories.

"Of course I will call you when dinner is done or get Elliot to find you dear, don't get lost" was the last thing I heard from Tina and Simone until dinner.




It has been two hours since I started my exploring and yet everywhere I went there was something to do with my mum or dad there.

In the hallways where pictures where hang there where two different pictures of them, one on their wedding day and one with a little baby in their arms which I could tell was me because I had the same picture and because the blanket I was in held my name.

In the garden there was a statue of them both holding hands smiling with a little plaque saying 'always in our hearts and always in our pack, we will forever cherise the memories of you both Leah and Dan'

In the music room, my favourite place so far, there was a little (ish) glass cabinate with trophies that my mum had won when she was my age for her music, that was the best part, i shared my mum's love in music.

Even in the gym, my now second favourite place, were posters/pictures of my dad teaching young wolves or just messing around in the gym.

If i thought these wolves just looked up at my mum and dad i know i was wrong, these werewolves worship my mum and dad and everything they did to help this pack.

"Oh i see you found your mum's and dad's favourite places then?" I heard someone say from the doorway.

Instead of turning around like I wanted to, I caught a sniff of the air to find out that this is the same scent as the on that has been following me around.

"Stalksh much?"

"Nope I was told to keep an eye out on you and to tell you when dinner is ready?" Elliot said as if he was questioning himself while  telling me that.

"Sure, now the real reason please?"

"There is a someone at the door saying that they know you from a long time ago, actually its the douche from school he asked if he could please speak with you as it is important."

"Uhh sure where is he" If this is who I think it is he has to explain to me who the f*** he is!!



hey sorry for having late update ill try to upload again soon.

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Jess17 :)

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