Unforgettable, Chapter 4

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"Oh my, you must Kathy, Leah's daughter, I don't know if you might remember me from the funeral but I am truly sorry for everything that has happened" A women who I believe must be Elliot's mum, my mum's best friend.

"Oh were are my manners, I am Tina Elliots mum, its lovely to meet you". Elliots mum Tina informed me. From what I had heard on the drive here from Elliot she is really fun and crazy, no wonder why she was one of my Mum's friends.

"Hi, yea im Kathy it's lovely to meet you again Tina, on better circumstances this time." I replied to her first sort off question even though i was not sure if it really was a question or a statement, oh well.

"Well why don't you come inside and we have a chat, your mum told me she was waiting for the right day to tell you all this but now I guess it's my turn to finally tell my knowledge to someone who, hopefully, will be like a daughter to me." She said the hopefully with so much hope in her eyes you could easily tell that even with 3 boys she has always wanted a girl.

"Ok so what do you already know darlin'" Tina asked. "Well I know that I am a werewolf like the rest off my family is, I know are sense's are heightend (increased) and that there are other werewolves in the world which we can easily spot by their scent." I rushed out he first part as it brought back memories off the day I was told, two days before my parents left this world.




I was sitting in the front room and I was about 7 years old. I wasn't at school becauses I was ill with a really bad stomach flu. My Mum came into the room checking on me every half n hour. Just after lunchtime a big, and I mean BIG, blackwolf with silver on the tips of his ears and on his feet, walked into the front room.

When the wolf looked at me his eye's filled with confusion and something else I couldn't work out. After a few minutes of staring into the familiar sea blue eyes I called my Mum. "Mummy come here please".

I didn't call my Mum because I was scared, no I called my Mum because I wanted to stroke him. After a while my Mum came in and toke one look at the wolf and told him to change. After a few seconds I heard bones crushing and feet coming down the stairs until my Dad appeared.

"i think it is time to tell her hunny" my Dad said to my Mum, "Fine, Darling when you saw the wolf were you scared or not?"

"Nope, I wanted to stroke the wolf until you came and told him to change, What did you mean by change" I asked them with confusion most likely to be leaking into my words.

"Hunny Bear you, we are werewolves, we can change into wolves and are sense's are much more heightened but you don't need to worry about that."


End Of FlashBack


"Well as you said there are other werewolves in the world and you probably guessed there are all so wolf schools, in these schools they will teach you how to defend yourself in human and wolf form and about the nature and history of wolves. There are also what you call Alpha's of a pack which is a type of leader. A pack is a group of werewolves that are joined together by mindlink and each have a tattoo to show your pack.

"There is also what you call 'mates' they are your chosen soul mate. No, we don't chose them they are chosen by fate and mother of nature. Now what else did your Mum say you ever needed to know if you came here. Wait a minute, Oh yeah, where are you living/staying at the moment" Tina asked.

"Well at the moment I am in a hotel as I don't know how long I am here for." I replied quickly knowing that if I gave information on the fact that I am only here for a few months she will probably go even more balistic.

"Nonsense you can stay here now, you Mum always said that If there was a problem and they couldn't be with you to tell you to come live with us. We even had a spare bedroom made for you just incase you ever came."

For the first time since we got here Elliot decide to speak up, "Mum, give Kathy a chance to actually process the information before pilling more things on top of it, please?". Tina just gave her son a completely blank look as if to say 'and what you going to do about it'

"Kathy, dear, do you need me to repeat anything that I said or are you OK?". Tina asked me, I believe inspite of Elliot but ah. I reall wanted to reply 'wouldn't be able to forget even if I wanted to but I knew then there would be more question's on things that don't need decussing. So instead I nicely replied "Yep got it all" with a nice cheesy grin to confirm it.

"In that case come and meet my younger children as you have already meet Mister to-big-ego right here" she said sounding like a hyper active child while pointing to Elliot. This is going to be one loooooong evening.

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