chapter 14

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"Hey Jasmine  could I get your phone number if you don't  mind since we good friends and all"

I looked at Brandon  with a smile  slowly  reading  out my number  to him..  Why did he want to talk to me I had just  met them. Well we started talking  and now I knew  I was apart of something....... Something great

Brandon:"So jas do you play an instrument at all?"

Me: "umm not really hey"

Brandon: oh that's  to bad we need a singer to sing with cray "a female" voice would  be great  to have

Me: oh lol I can't  sing to save my life, but I could try for the time being till  I get to the city

Hey love birds what are you going looking  at your phones and smiling for what we got  a song to perfect

"Ohhh okay sorry bosssss!!!" Brandon said as we smiled at each other

As I put my phone  away I looked at the place  we had stopped at and I was amazed as the bus stopped into the lobby  of the sun lodge, it was huge nothing  that I have ever seen..

"This is the usual joint we hang out in so get use to it, because this is home for the next month" Brandon said  as I looked  out the window just breath taken by the place

"This is where they stay " I thought  to myself as i  got out the van

The wind blow my hair around like a wild fire I had to get to a telephone phone as soon as I could to tell Lizzy I was alive and well it had been two weeks since I was taken and I had to tell Lizzy I was in one peace

Later that night images of hunter played in my mind of how we would meet again in my heart I was some what angry with  him in a way but how could I be he saved my life, those demons could
Have killed me and he saved me ,but  how could forget that woman the woman who was the reason why I was with this band was the reason why I ran away how hunter would find me I had no idea

I picked up the telephone and dialed  Lizzy's number hoping she would pick up

"Hello, Lizzy speaking"

"Hello its me jasmine, sorry its so late"

"Omg!!!jasmine what in gods name happened to you, is everything okay? "

"Hey yeah I am okay thanks its along story hey but I am okay love"

"When are you coming home?, this is not right where are you?"

"I am in a small town out east, with a band lol, its really fun out here I would love to see you guys again I am sorry that you had to be in this mess with me,"

"No jasmine I am your friend and I am here to help you where I can Jason misses you so much , and so do I...please  let me know where you are as soon as you find out okay? "

"Okay well I have to go, we can chat on WhatsApp okay"

"okay mwa love you bye jasmine"

"Love you to Lizzy"

Then the phone went dead

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