A/N (ranting, not really important)

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Ugh... My ribs, throat, and stomach hurt SO badly from coughing...even my head hurts! And I HAVE to take at least 4 tests today or I'll likely get kicked out of my schooling program... I can't freaking stop coughing, though! And my mom has pneumonia AGAIN and she's being forced to work, 4-6 hours, 6-7 days a week. Her job is why she got pneumonia in the first place! Her boss is a royal b*tch, never keeps a schedule, always calls my mom in on her days off, only seems to hire people with history of abuse because they're easier to control, fires people constantly because she expects the impossible (expects the same amount of work done regardless of the length of a shift), and even threatens her workers (she has threatened my mom and another worker is actually in a mental hospital from being threatened)! And my brother comes home crying just about every damned day, wanting to commit suicide because of bullying! I'm sick of this! My family is treated like sh*t, I'm sore from coughing, I'm constantly babysitting my siblings sick (not so bad...if my little sister wasn't a demon child), I haven't been able to sleep (every time I try, I just about cough to death), and I'm dealing with emotional issues (though I'm trying desperately to seem like I'm not)... My writer's block isn't helping my mood any either... Not to mention, I always have someone pointing their finger at me saying I'm not good enough and I'll never amount to anything...and there's always the psychotic moron that wants me on antidepressants... Well excuse me for not wanting to be jacked up on happy pills! (No offense to anyone who takes antidepressants,it's just that antidepressants don't help me at all...they make it worse and make me bipolar...) I need rest...I need a break...but there's no way I'll get one. Not with how messed up everything is right now... Sorry if you've actually read this, but I really needed to rant...somewhere... And I can't access Quotev with my phone for some stupid reason... Ugh... There's no way I can test like this...I'm hoping they'll accept two doctor's notes...if I can even get one today... I can't imagine what this crap would feel like if I had low pain tolerance... Guess I should thank years of abuse for that... Anyways...I'm going to stop rambling now...again, sorry if you actually read all of this...

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