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A/N: Sorry it took so long! DX Anyways...let's start...


You looked at the burns on your arm in shock.

'What...? How..? Why did Storm...? How is she even...?' your thoughts swirled in confusion, unable to explain the situation.

"Dammit, (Name)! If you're going to save our brother on your own, do it already! Don't just stand there like a fucking idiot! Remi doesn't have much time left!" Stormy's voice echoed in your head. "Listen, I'm sorry for loosing my cool... But you need to hurry! Laughing Jack isn't exactly the most gentle and compassionate of creatures, as I'm sure you know by now... I don't want to see Remi die... Or you or mom... That's why I-"

Your sister's words were cut short by a loud scream of pain and a sickening splatter.

"HURRY!" Stormy shouted.

Quickly, you snapped out of it and bolted to Remi's door.

'Uh... I got Storm's sword...but now what...? I can't cut the door...' you thought.

"Pfft! And you JUST realized that?! Seriously sis...were you drunk earlier?" you heard your sister laugh.

"Shut up!" you snapped, clearly embarrassed.

"I'll just help you with that evil door!" she giggled before the door burst into flames.

"Storm! How am I supposed to-"

Before you could finish, the flames disappeared. The door was gone. Not burnt. Just gone.

"Go, (Name)!" Stormy said, giggling lightly.

You wasted no time in running in. Though NOTHING could prepare you for the sight before you. (I feel like I say this a lot...hmmm...oh well...)

Remi was hanging from the ceiling with a noose around his neck. His eyes were filled with fear as he struggled frantically. As he was gasping for air, you noticed the blood seeping out of his mouth and realized his tongue had been cut off.

"REMI!!!!" you cried out in panic and rushed over to him.

"Quick! Hoist him up on your shoulders!" Stormy's echoed voice told you in a rush.

You were about to do as she said when a clawed hand reached out and grabbed your hair, pulling you away from your precious little brother.

"NO!" you shrieked as you were thrown across the room.

A horribly sickening sound echoed through the room, followed by that disgusting laughter that plagued your dreams.

'No... Remi... Is he...?'

Tears welled up in your eyes as you looked at your little brother. His entrails hanged from his limp body.

"NO!" you screamed, then broke down into sobs.

That monster of a clown laughed at your crying form, causing you to look up and glare intensely at him. Your glare, however, wavered when you saw Remi's heart in one of his clawed hands.

"H-How could you?!" you snapped at the monochrome clown.

He just burst into a fit of laughter and disappeared with a puff of black smoke.

'W-why...?' you thought as you broke down again.

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