Chapter 17

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Jace's POV

The look on Taylor's face when Aiden said yes was priceless. At least now I'll have a better chance to make her fall for me. It's frustrating having other girls throw themselves at you, while your mate acts like she doesn't even give a shit.

"yo guys I got us a place to stay" I shouted when I entered the pack house.

"awesome where is it?" Eric asked when I walked into the kitchen.

"at Aiden's. I just asked him and he's alright with it."

"cool man. But what did you tell 'em?" Drake asked. Did he really think I was stupid?

"I told 'em we were being hunted down by rogues and hunters that wanna kill us" I heard a gasp and saw Eric standing there looking shocked.

"how could you Jace. Now they'll know everything. You know sometimes you really are a dumbass."

"dude chill out I was kidding." I said "I told them a rival gang broke in and set the place on fire and we were having this place re-built. So we should be good for about six months. Now go pack, we're leaving tonight." Eric mock saluted me and ran upstairs to pack. I followed him and started packing everything I needed into two suitcases.

When I was done I carried my suitcases down the stairs and waited for Eric and Drake.

"guys come on let's go." Drake came down first carrying his bags. He was only halfway down when Eric decided to run down, right into Drake. They both ended up rolling down the stairs, and landed with a thump.

"dude what the fuck?" Eric said when he got off Drake.

"what the hell are you shouting at me for?"

"'cause you didn't go down fast enough."

"dude it's your fault. Next time wait for the other person to get to the bottom, and then run down."

"alright no need to shout." Eric said picking his bags up. Drake ignored him and picked his bags up. I lead them outside and Eric threw his bags on the ground.

"I wanna go on my motorbike." he whined.

"come on Eric. Go in your car, then you'll never have to ride it again" his face lit up and he ran for the car. Honestly it's like he had the brain of a three-year-old.

I got into my car and took off towards Taylor's house.

When I pulled up, I got out and the boys pulled up next to me. I went to the front door and rang the doorbell. Taylor answered it, and when she saw me she scowled at me. I smirked and walked past her into the hallway.

"you can't just barge in here" she said walking up to me.

"I can now I'm gonna be living here for a bit." she narrowed her eyes at me and walked off. Aiden came up to us and motioned for us to follow him up the stairs.

"alright these are your rooms." he said pointing to three doors.

"thanks man" I said walking into my room. The walls were a grey-dark blue colour. It had a walk-in wardrobe, an en-suite, a queen sized bed in the middle, a balconly and a desk in the corner. I walked up to the bed and threw my suitcases onto it.

"night man and thanks for this." I said walking up to him.

"no worries man. Night."

I shut the door behind him and could hear everyone else making their ways to their rooms. I changed into a pair of red pajama pants and a greg wife beater and climbed into bed.

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