Chapter 8 - The Party

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As we arrive we step out to the entrance of the house. "Huh, guess he's not that rich" Emily says. "What? How?" I ask. "Umm because he doesn't have a bouncer outside? Like any loser can walk in here." "Really Em?" "What?" She says while looking at me. "Nothing, lets just head inside ok? I'm getting a bit chilly" I say while rubbing my arms. Emily and Matt pass in front of me, meanwhile me and Evan walk behind them. "Here" he says while taking of his jacket and putting it on me. "Oh thanks. You didn't have to do that" I say looking down. "Well of course, its the right thing to do as a gentleman. Plus I don't need it." He says. "Really, your not cold?" I ask with a hint of disbelief on my face. His face soon changes to surprised, "Oh umm, no." "Ohhhh I know your secret" I say with a sly smile on my face. He looks genuinely shocked for a second until I said "Your cold blooded huh? It's ok, Josh is too." I said looking down on the ground. He notices a change in my mood, trying to lighten it he says "Cold blooded huh? Is that why you didn't enjoy sex with him or was it because he just sucked in bed?" I couldn't help but burst into laughter, "I think it was because the latter." I said smiling. We finally head inside and walk into the V.I.P section. The hostess asked for us to show or cards and we do, lifting it up. With that we were let inside and I sat down while Evan stood above me. "Huh, guess Matt and Em aren't here yet" I say looking up at him."I'll go get you a drink" Evan says while leaving. With that he was soon sucked into the Sea of people leaving me alone.

    I waited for awhile checking through my phone trying to look busy. As I was doing so I decided to text Emily to see where she was.

Me: Em where are you and Matt?

Emily: Looking for everyone else and trying to give you and Evan enough alone time. ;)

Me: Ugh really Em? We've had enough and he left to get me a drink.

Emily: Ugh, what's up with that guy? One moment he seems interested the next he seems confused. Which he'd just make up his mind already.

Me: Well hurry back up, what's taking you so long to find the rest of the gang?

Emily: We have except for Mike, ugh he's the only one missing.

Me: Well hurry up and find him and get back soon!

   With that I finished texting to look up and find Michael standing in front of me. "Oh Jesus Mike you scared me. Where have you been? Emily and the gang have been searching for you. Well I'll text them saying your here now." I was about to text them before he cleared his throat and said, "Actually um, can I speak with you? It's kind of personal" he said. "Oh, um of course" I replied nervously. He sat down next to me looking nervous. "What's up? You look kind of nervous" I said. He exhaled looking up at me, "I'm in love with you" he said. I couldn't help but laugh. I stopped, looking at his confused yet serious face. I then said "I'm sorry, what?" He inhaled nervously, "I'm in love with you." "Wha- well you can't be your dating Jessica" I said frustrated. "Do you know what this would do to her? She'll be heartbroken and absolutely hate me." "I- it's not your fault how either of us feel. I just- I tried to stop thinking about you- and feeling this way. Especially when you and Josh were together, but then when you guys broke up it felt like a sign" he breathed. "Well it's not ok? I like Evan and he likes me. I want to be with him ok?" I got up to leave while Mike tried to stop me and lightly grabbed my arm. Then Josh came up drunkly, and said "Michael Monroe going after a girl at a party, while his girl is away shocker!" "Josh your drunk, go home man" Mike said. Josh scoffed, "What ruining your game to try and get some ass?" "Dude seriously what is your problem?" Mike said. "Right now my problem is you trying to get with Catherine" Josh said stepping up to Mike. " Catherine isn't your girlfriend remember? She broke up with you, so stop acting like your still dating her" Mike said. "Oh yeah? Well at least she slept with me" Josh said. Then Mike stepped back sarcastically laughing a bit and punched Josh. That's when a fight broke out catching everyone's attention, shocked, cheering and utterly confused. Sooner or later Evan showed up and stepped in between them trying to stop them, but instead Josh tried to punch him. I was utterly shocked how Evan seemed unfazed by the hit, while Josh reeled in pain. "What are you fucking made of steel?!" Soon the gang pulled up to the scene, Chris came up to Josh "Come on man I'll take you to Ashely she can help patch you up." He said pulling Josh into the Kitchen. Jessica walked up to Mike "What the hell Michael?! Are you ok? Why did you and Josh fight?" "He was being an ass. But it's fine now ok? You have nothing to worry about babe." He said putting his arm over her and walking away giving me and Evan a last glance before leaving. "Wow that was crazy, and absolutely chaotic" Emily said. I walked up to Evan looking at his face while touching it "Are you ok?" I asked. "Yes I'm fine, I need to talk to you in private. Can we go upstairs?" He asked. "Of course" I answered smiling politely. We then headed upstairs to a random bedroom. What could he want to tell me?

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