Nikki. That's it, that and Soul. That's all Nikki remember's when she wakes up. Her life is a mystery to her. Nikki's journey to her memories could be long or short, but all she know's is the only person she can trust is the guy who caused it all!
My first day I was doing a bathing suit shoot so I slid on my TARDIS bathing suit with a smile. I then pulled on my oversized off the shoulder black sweatshirt.
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With the oversized sweater keeping me the happiest ever I smiled and walked to the bathroom, since my body hates me in every way I'm up at 6 am. I showered for literally an hour then blow dried my hair. I pulled my hair into a cute little thing, It had a halo effect, and it was curled. I secured it and smiled at my reflection I look okay. I walked to the kitchen to see the other girls. Meagen was cooking food and Jayden was making coffee. Both were in a tank top and a pair of short shorts over their bathing suits. ''Cute!'' I smiled at Jayden's words.
''You too girl!'' I smiled. ''Me three!'' said Maegen. I giggled and nodded. ''You three Maegen.'' I smiled and got out the milk and orange juice for breakfast also grabbing some fruit. We set the table and set the food out just as the guy's came out, both topless. It didn't faze us however it was a different story for them. ''You two have seen us in this before.'' said Maegen then Jayden hit her and nodded at me. ''Oh.'' said Maegen.
We sat down in the awkward and ate. Eventually Jayden broke the silence. ''Wanna hear a joke?'' She asked us. I nodded with a smile of appreciation. She smiled. ''Why did the chicken cross the road?'' She asked. ''I dunno why?'' I asked her. ''To get away from KFC.'' I giggled. ''Okay you tell one.'' She said I smiled brightly. ''Okay! A man rides into town on Friday, He stays 3 days and comes back on Friday, how did he do this?'' I asked. But the question was left to float as Mom came and got us to go.
After that we all walked to the van in a fashionable way. Ashton close to me encase I fell. We got in and it was Nicole, Alex, Andrew, Brad, and Marais in one van, Kou, Koishi, Angel, Emily, and Yin in another van, then Maegen, Jayden, Shuu, Ashton and me in the last van. It sat Maegen, Shuu, Jayden up in the middle, then Ashton and I in the back. We had a driver (whom was one of my mom's coworkers), and a body guard in the van with us on the way to the beach.
Once there we all got out and the managers began splitting the others into pairs. This left me on my own. ''Wow Nikki for your first photo shoot you didn't dress to bad.'' Said the woman. ''You'll just need a little makeup touch.'' said the woman. Luckily mom came over and hushidly explained that I can't wear makeup because the doctor doesn't want it to mess with the recover process. I don't understand it either.
''Right well Nikki will be alone for today. We will get you a partner soon enough.'' She smiled I nodded. I walked to the end of the line and I talked with Ashton. We took a few group pics alowwing the viewer to see that I was new in the team. I sighed on a few months before the...
... accident.
I was having a blast with the photographing and such. I loved standing on the rocks for pictures. Yet I still haven't taken my oversized sweater off. ''Well girls time to take off the over clothes and get into the bathing suit shots.'' said my mom. We all nodded and the girls dropped their shorts, were as I just pulled my sweater off. I looked at the TARDIS and smiled. ''Nerdy, sweet choice.'' Said Jayden with a smile. ''What do you mean?'' I asked smiling with a light giggle.
''Cute TARDIS I haven't seen that before.'' said Ashton smiling. I smiled. ''Whovian?'' I asked He nodded I smiled. Whovians are literally life. We continued taking the photos and the Managers loved the nerdy spin I brought. So we too pictures and when we were done the Managers left us to the beach while they got us food. We swam, and for some reason Jayden Maegen and I became really close. ''Okay so nicknames we can only call each other.'' said Maegen ''Easy, Jay and Meg durp'' I said smiling. ''And as for you?'' asked Jay. I thought it over long and hard. ''Nic.'' I suggested then nodded and we giggled. Ashton and Shuu swam over. ''What are we laughing about?'' asked Shuu
''Your quote on quote moves.'' said Jay we all giggled Ashton laughing along and Shuu sulking.
After a lot of fun and calories we headed back to the hotel to sleep to hit the road tomorrow we are going to a show where we sell comedy.
So hey ya'll remember me telling you i'm in high school right, well we are doing the stereotypical egg drop and I'm as smart as two bricks at the bottom of a stone wall, so got any ideas! Anyway I know there may have been some OC's I didn't get if so, let me know and I'll try to add you.