Dark Matter

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Title: Chasing Shadows

Words: 13.8k

Pairing: Marcus Boone (Three) / Derrick Moss (One)

Written By: Strawberrywaltz

Description: "You don't know why you ended up in my room or, I don't know, why you suddenly got it in your head that it was a good idea to try and spoon with me? Against my will, I might add. I should space you for that. You're lucky I'm feeling charitable."

Why I Like It: Protective!Three

Will Make You: Anxious

Link: http://archiveofourown.org/works/7183166/chapters/16302728

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Title: Silver And Gold

Words: 2.1k

Pairing: Marcus Boone (Three) / Derrick Moss (One)

Written By: Donutcats

Description: Trouble always comes in threes

Why I Like It: "Oh," but then One's brain catches up, kicks him in the chest as he takes a step back. "What? Oh wha- no we're not-" YEAH RIGHT YOU TWO LOSERS ARE IN LOVE!

Will Make You: Giddy inside

Link: http://archiveofourown.org/works/4476812

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Title: Familiarity Never Dies

Words: 1.3k

Pairing: Marcus Boone (Three) / Derrick Moss (One)

Written By: Donutcats

Description: for the first time, Two doesn't team One and Three together.

she doesn't regret the decision at all, or well, not until later.

Why I Like It: Three acts all tough and angry but in reality he's just a big 'ole softie for One.

Will Make You: *Fist pump the air*

Link: http://archiveofourown.org/works/4529703

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Title: Of Sentiment Attached 

Words: 12.k

Pairing: Marcus Boone (Three) / Derrick Moss (One)

Written By: Storylandqueen

Description: Five times Three called One 'Pretty Boy' and the time that One called Three 'Sunshine'

Why I Like It: I can't get enough of their emotional constipation, and subtle flirting. 

Will Make You: Smile

Link: http://archiveofourown.org/works/4365881

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