Chapter 11: Monsters, Legions of Monsters

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Meanwhile, Tin and the others are walking down a staircase of sorts, heading for the lower levels for the others in hope of locating their friends. They are descending, Tin in the front, leading, while Yang and Blake stay behind to watch their backs and Weiss, Damian and Yuhzuha stay in the middle. When they appear to reach a certain floor, Tin turn to face them.

"Ok, here's the plan." He speaks as he turn to face the group. "We will continue this formation to suit our current situation. The wounded and weary stays in the middle, and the able bodies at the front and back. This way, we maintain our pace, all the while keeping ourselves protected and alert of any hostiles. Let's move."

They nod and start moving onward again. Yang keeps her pace, but is noticeably anxious. Blake notices this change in her behavior and speaks up.

"Yang, I know you're worried about Ruby, but you need to remain calm. There's creatures around almost every corner, waiting to tear us apart. You can't afford to be reckless."

"You think I don't know that?" Yang sternly spit, turning to Blake, eyes now red. "You think I don't know that?! How can I take it slow when Ruby is out there, terrified out of her mind and in the hands of horrible people. If something happen to her, I...... I....... I won't be able to forgive myself. She is all I have left since her mom died and my mom left. Do you understand?"

"Yang." Tin speaks up with a stern tone. "I know you want to go look for your sister, but you need to look around. We're deep underground, along with other Bio-weapons. We need to figure out what to do for our current situation first. And then, we figure out where they would take Ruby and Albus. Understand?"

Yang growls at Tin, her fists shaking with anger and frustration. Then, she close her eyes and open them, her eyes return to normal. Blake puts a hand on her shoulder, reassuring her. Yang looks at Blake and nod.

"It's okay. I have calmed down. We should get moving."

Before anyone can even do anything, something cause the stairs to move, causing them to lose their balance. Tin quickly gets up and look around.

"Get in position, everyone! Something big is here!"

The rest of the group gets up and take out their weapons and proceed to hold their ground, ready for anything. The shaking continue until a large, armored leg covers in spikes, appear from above and attempts to stab at them, but they move out of the way. Blake reverts her sword into its pistol form and start shooting at the limb, causing it to shrink back to its hiding place. The platform above them cave in, causing pieces to fall. A large arachnid like creature is seen, eyes dark and hypnotizing, a carapace full of spikes and hair. On its back, another arachnid like creature is seen, but smaller. However, its two forelegs are twice its size. It shriek at them and reel back, looking like it's about to shoot. Tin yell out to the group.

"We are in no condition and place to fight it! Retreat until we are in a more suitable area!"

Without a word, everyone start to run, descending down into the cave, the creature shoots a web of sticky silk, missing completely. But, it gives chase to them, climbing down after them. Tin look back and yell.

"Weiss, Blake, find a way to slow it down! We'll continue onward!"

Without a word, they come to a stop and turn to face the beast, who is now in front of them, ready to attack. It swipes at them with its leg, but they jump out of the way. Weiss use her glyphs to jump onto the platform above. Blake use her agility to climb and jump up until she reaches a ledge. She starts firing at the creature, assuming for the smaller counterpart, but its armor is too thick to penetrate. Weiss summon a couple of glyphs and fire some ice blasts at it, causing some of its legs to freeze and held it to the side it clings on. It let out a shriek as it tries to break free. Blake look over to Weiss.

"Do you think you can use your glyphs to use fire? I think it can work."

Weiss shakes her head. "I'm at my limit. Beside, the ice can hold it for a bit. But, we need to finish it."

Just as she said that, a few arrows hits the creature at its abdomen, causing some explosions. It shriek out in pain, its squishy insides now exposed. A familiar voice rang out.

"Shoot it now!"

Without a word, they fire with everything they got at the exposed flesh of the arachnid couple, until blood start to pour from its wound. It let out one last shriek before it fall back, tearing its leg and falling down into the chasm, until a distant thud is heard. Blake and Weiss let out a bath of relief until they look at where the voice is coming from. Above and across them, Yuri is seen. However, she is now dressed in black tactical suit and goggles over her head. She shoots an arrow with a rope tied to it and hit a pipe, stuck into it. She swing towards them and land in front of them.

"Yuri, it's so good to see you safe." Blake said as she puts her hand on her shoulder.

Weiss nod and inspect her. "What's with the getup?" She ask Yuri. Yuri then puts her weapon away.

"I'm sorry for keeping this a secret, but I was specifically sent with you guys under Ozpin's orders on suspicions of Umbrella, and it turned out he was right. I am part of a specialized team that takes on missions that no students or huntsmen can't do. But enough talking. Let's catch up with the others."

They head down the stairs and rejoin with the group. They are thrilled to see Blake and Weiss back in one piece, but even more with Yuri who is with them. They continue walling until they reach a sort of tunnel. They come across a steel door. Yang and Yuri volunteers to break it open. With Yuri's explosive arrows and Yang's punches, they manage to break it open. A cluster of figures are seen walking towards them. They get into position until Sarah and the others reveal themselves. The two groups went over to each other and embrace them. Yang look around and didn't see Ruby.

"Ruby didn't come with you guys?"

"I'm sorry, Yang." Sarah said with a somber tone. "We didn't find her anywhere. I don't think they even leave her here."

Weiss also speaks up. "Where's Wes and Albus?" The group look down with defeat and sadness. Yang and Blake goes to hug Zaria and Nicole to tell them it will be okay. Tin then speaks up.

"This settles it. Now, we know Umbrella has Ruby and Albus in their hands. Now, we need to get out of here and report to Ozpin. Let's move out!"

Before they can even do anything, a loud roar is heard behind them. They look back to see the Tyrant, alive and breathing. It growls at them, claws extended. It then charge at them, ready for a fight to the death.


Here it is! The latest chapter and with a cliffhanger. Week start working on it later.

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