Chapter 4: The Search for Survivors

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Ruby and the others, along with the teachers, soon arrive at the abandoned village. The stench of human remains fill the air. The moment they all step inside the village, the rotten stench hit them hard. Blake start to gag.

"God, it reeks so bad here. Something tells me that if there are survivors here, they wouldn't survive for very long." said Blake pinching her nose. The others slowly follow behind. Sarah and Tin stop in a wide space in front of the entrance of the vilage and put down their backpacks along with the students.

"Alright everyone. Leave your backpacks here if you brought them. We'll set up base here. Two people will need to stay behind to watch over our stuff while the rest of us start the mission. Any volunteers?"

"I'll stay behind!" yelled out Violet as she raise her hand. "I can watch over the things. Besides, I'm not that good of a fighter at long range or short range."

"Are you sure?" asked Venoct. "I can stay behind with you."

"No, it's ok. Besides, you're needed with the others." said Violet, refusing the offer.

"Ok. Now, we split up. Team RWBY and Albus' team, you're with me" said Tin as he point to Ruby and Albus. "Damian's Team and Yuri, you're with Sarah. Let's go."

Everybody split up and goes with their assigned teacher. Tin and the two teams head towards one direction while Sarah and Damian's team goes to the opposite direction, leaving Violet with their belongings. Once everyone's out of sight, Violet sigh, leaves to a space with less fog, and takes out her scroll and dial an anonymous number. Someone on the other side picks up and answer. Violet then viciously smile and said in a gleeful voice,"Hello mother? It's been done. They're here." She viciously giggle.

Meanwhile, at one part of the village, Sarah and Damian's team look around, scouting for any hostiles or survivors. But all they see are broken huts and blood stains. Until suddenly, Sarah sharply turn towards a particular hut.

"Is something wrong?" asked Damian. Sarah doesn't reply, but only trudge closer to the hut. The hut looks strangely in good shape, but the door had been broken down by something. As she got close enough to try to peek inside, something jumps from inside on her in a flash, something inhuman. It look human, but its flesh is rotten beyond recognition. It is also missing an eye and an ear, its teeth gnashing and gnawing at Sarah. Its eye is white and glazed over. The others were caught by surprise and barely had time to react, but Yuri takes out her crossbow and fire an arrow at its back, but it didn't even faze it. Yuri fires another arrow, hitting the back of its head. It groan and slump over on Sarah, who push the body off of her. She sigh as she regain her composure.

"Are you alright, miss?" ask Damian as he help her up. She dust herself off and pick up her weapons. She look over to the corpse and glare at it.

"I'm fine. Thankfully, it didn't bite me. Now, I take this thing might've cause the destruction of this village."

Venoct tense up and look around his surroundings. "If there's one, more are liable to be around. We need to be more cautious."

Then, Yuhzuha nod to Damian and Sarah. "We need to finish this quickly. Who knows if there's more like that thing." She points at the lifeless body. "We also need to warn the others."

"You're right, Yuhzuha. But all this fog is jamming our signal. We need to go now," said Sarah as she  pick up her weapon. She and the others resume their search for survivors as they continue to where they may meet, in the middle of the desolate village.

Elsewhere within the village, Tin, Team RWBY, and Albus' team are at the town's shopping district, looking for any traces of any survivors. Ruby and Weiss are looking around inside a former clothing and sewing shop. The shop is mostly destroyed, scratch marks and dried up blood spots and puddles are seen, the horrible stench is in the air, even the clothes there are all ripped and torn apart. Ruby and Weiss then stop in front of a door in the back of the store. "Are you ready, Weiss? We must be careful," said Ruby as she look at her icy teammate. "Just hurry up and open the door so we can leave. This place makes my skin crawl," replied Weiss as she cross her arms. Ruby sigh and takes a deep breath. She slowly put her hand on the knob and turn it. She open the door to reveal only darkness. Weiss summons a glyph and lights up the entire room revealing a former break room for employees. Like the rest of the building , the walls were splattered by dried up blood spots, and claw and scratch marks are seen as well. The furniture were either thrown around or broken into pieces. Even more disturbing, there's a fresh blood puddle in front of the entrance with a trail that leads to the back of the room. Ruby gulp when she saw the trail and look at Weiss.

"I hope this isn't gonna be like those movies. I don't like where this is going." Ruby said with a hint of fear in her voice. Weiss nod in reply. "Let's just go back with the others. This really start to creep me out." Even with fear in their hearts, they both decided to investigate. They both go inside and look around, all the while following the blood trail. As they continue on, the sound of feet shuffling is heard behind them. They turn to see who or what is causing the shuffling, but nothing is seen. The atmosphere of the room also doesn't help with the feeling of being watched. Then, the sound of flesh tearing and gnawing is heard close by, which appear to be around the corner of the room, an opening is seen. Ruby look at Weiss, who nod instead of speaking. She nod back in response and walk towards the bend, slowly poking her head out of the corner. What she saw shock her to the core. In the middle of the short hallway, a figure of a man is hunched over what appears to be a sprawled out body of a young girl. Sounds of flesh tearing and gnawing is heard. Ruby quickly move from the corner, covering her mouth to keep herself from screaming.

"Ruby, what's wrong? What did you see?" Weiss ask Ruby, surprised by Ruby's current state. Ruby tries to calm down by breathing in and out, but her voice still have fear in her tone. "There's..... there's someone eating..... a dead body."Weiss was skeptical about it, but she devise a plan with Ruby. "Look, we have our weapons with us. We can tell this guy to stop what he is doing and get him away from the body. Maybe, he is desperate to survive. Well?" "Ok, we can do this. Come on," replied Ruby. They both take out their weapons and jump from the corner, weapons raised at the man.

"Mister, please step away from the body and turn around. We don't want any trouble. Please turn toward us so we can see who you are." Ruby command the figure as she have Crescent Rose in its shotgun form. The man stop what he was doing and slowly turn his face towards them, revealing white eyes with no pupils, a clawed up face, and a mouth full of bloodied teeth from eating the corpse. Patches of red, raw flesh is also seen around his head and face. The sight of the man make both Ruby and Weiss take a step back. The man stands up and slowly make his way towards them, moaning and groaning with each step, getting closer to the two young students. "S-s-stay back. I'm w-warning you. I'll shoot." Ruby said as she grip her weapon tightly. The man ignore the threat and kept walking towards them, prompting Weiss to summon a couple of glyphs and fire a few ice shards at him. The shards hit him in vital parts of the body, but he keeps his pace towards them. Ruby fires a few rounds at the walking corpse, blowing off his arms and a chunk of him, but he keeps going until Ruby shoots a round at his head, blowing it up in brain matter and bone fragments. The corpse stop walking and fall forward. Ruby and Weiss let out a sigh of relief and look at the now motionless body.

"This is crazy. I never thought the rumors were true. This changes everything." Weiss said as she regain her composure. Ruby is still shaking from the brief confrontation, her hands gripping Crescent Rose tightly. "Ruby, are you sure you're gonna be alright?" Weiss ask Ruby with some concern. Ruby look at Weiss and slightly smile. "I'll be fine. Now, we should get the others here. They need to kno about this."

"Right." Weiss replies to her team leader. They both run off to find the others, completely unaware of the young girl's corpse slowly standing up, groaning. Then, a small group of undead emerge from the end of the hall, eager for fresh flesh. The true perpetrators have begun to show themselves.

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