Chapter 16: The Pursuit of Rescue

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Within the forest, Qrow, Winter, and a few soldiers continue their trek to follow the tracks left by a vehicle. They Then come across a clearing that has a makeshift dirt road with the tracks continuing on downward.

"Looks like they had time to clear the way. Smart bastards." Qrow said, seemingly impressed. Winter roll her eyes at his statement.

"Not the time to be impressed, Qrow. That's no telling what lie ahead."

One of the soldiers stop and look around. Qrow look back.

"What's wrong?" Qrow questions the soldier.

"Do you not smell that? It's strong."

They all stop and smell the air. Not long after, they picked up something.

"Gasoline," said the other soldier as he point down the road. "Up ahead."

Qrow look where he pointing and actually see a cloud of smoke rising up to the air.

"Look like something might've got to them before we did. Let's go check it out."

They continue their way into they are at the top of a hill. Further down the path, they see in the distance, a base of some sort is seen. However, it appeared to be abandoned and destroyed. They see a truck is turned over and in flames, which is causing the smoke to rise up. They even see outlines of bodies scattered throughout and near the base. Some are missing limbs or heads.

"Damn. Not a good way to go out. You think Grimm did it?" Qrow ask Winter as she examine the carnage.

"Can't really tell from here. Let's get down there and see what we can find. Perhaps a clue to where the students are."

They nod and start making their way down to the destroyed base. They see how extensive the damage really is. The iron gate was in good condition, hinting the attack was from the inside. They see blood splattered on the dirt and walls. Bodies scattered throughout the base.

"Men, go right ahead and search for any survivors. Snow queen and I will search the main control center."

"Yes, sir." They said in unison and went ahead. Qrow and Winter starts to make their way towards the main control center. They see how extensive the damage really is up close. The windows were shattered, claw marks are seen on walls. The door was even ripped off it's hinges. They see a couple of bodies outside the door that are torn apart, limb to limb.

Qrow whistle at the carnage before them.

"Something tore this place apart. Think the communication equipment could still be intact?"

"At least we hope so. Be on your toes. There's no telling if whatever or whoever did this is still here."

They head in and start making their way through the bodies. They can feel a bit of a decomposing stench, hinting the bodies are already begin to go through necrosis. They cover their mouths and noses to block out the stench. They can see there are signs of a struggle as there are bullet holes and claw marks throughout the walls. They then make it to the stairway

"For a seemingly unknown group, they are pretty well armed." Qrow said after letting out a sigh. Winter nod in response.

"I recognize some of the weapons." She point out as she kneel to pick up and inspect one of the rifles. She nod after looking at it.

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