Chapter 2: The Briefing of the Mission

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At the cafeteria, Albus grab his lunch and head over to his table where his team and friends are. His silver hair slightly sway as he walk. He look about 17. The rumors of the proposed "zombie attack" was heard all day by those who saw the incident. When he got close to where they are, his teammates, Wes, Nicole, and Zaria. Wes is a faunus who is generally shy around people, but he trust his teammates. Nicole is sitting next to Wes, eating a ham and cheese sandwich. Though she is shy as Wes, she can be also a hothead at times. She is a year older than Wes and Albus. Zaria sit just on the other side of their table. Her pinkish hair sway when she turn to see what she got for lunch. Albus sat next to Zaria as he sigh.

"So guys, what do you have to say about the "zombie" incident? I say that's the craziest thing I heard all day. Not that I don't mind being there." Albus ask the team as he answer his own question. Wes look up to answer.

"Well, I don't think zombies exist. That's impossible." Wes said as he shake his head, refusing to believe such a horrible thing exist. Nicole chuckle.

"Who knows? Maybe zombies do exist. Then again, how could they exist?" Nicole answer. Zaria look up to face her team from eating her own sandwich.

"I don't believe the zombie thing, but I do know those people went through a great deal of hardship in their mission. Also, I do wonder what really happened." Zaria reply. Albus consider their opinions, mostly Zaria's.

"Yeah, I wonder that, too. Maybe it's a new type of Grimm they ran into." Albus said. "How about that?"

"Could be the case, Albus." reply Wes. "But--"

"Wait, don't go jumping to conclusions just yet." Nicole propose. "If it was a new type of Grimm, they would had trouble for a bit, then kill the threat once they figure it out. But this is different. They had major trouble, and they were obviously terrified by something. Something not Grimm."

As the team continue their discussion, outside the cafeteria, another team is making their towards the dorms. A team of four are seen, also discussing about the incident. Two boys along with two girls are quite loud as a matter of speaking. The boy have premature white hair with a long black scarf wrapped around his neck and mouth. A young girl with purplish hair and a violet dress with sleeves that are too long for her. She look more childish and innocent for her age. She is walking beside another girl who is the oldest, at 17. She has long blonde hair and dressed in a black dress with a red scarf. Beside her, another boy is walking with them. He have reddish black hair and wearing a long coat. The younger boy speaks up.

"To be honest, I think it's a bunch of bull. There's no way zombies exist. Am I right, Violet?" ask the young man , directing his question towards the one in violet clothing.

"Umm. Maybe? I don't know, but it sounds scary." said Violet as she rub her sleeves in a childish manner. The other guy chuckle.

"Come on. Don't make fun of the new girl. Anyway, it's pretty farfetched. I mean, a student rising from the dead? That's too much to think about." replied the young man. The blonde woman nod and speak up.

"True. It sounds like something out of a horror movie. Then again, it actually happened."

"But that's ridiculous." said the younger boy. "It could've been an illusion, Yuhzuha." replied the young boy, looking at the blonde.

"But it still happened though." said the girl in purple.

"Violet's right. Regardless of denying it, it still happened. Even the police witnessed it firsthand. But, I bet you guys that it will be covered up, especially they said those guys from Umbrella showed up. I don't like how they work. They're so secretive. They won't even let the huntsmen and huntresses get any closer to the scene." explained the older boy. As they continue walking, they see Albus and his team coming out of the cafeteria. Albus also sees them and wave at them.

"Hey Damian! Over here!" shout out Albus as the one call Damian and his team went over to them.

"Hey Damian, Yuhzuha, Violet, and Venoct. Glad to see you all here." said Albus.

"Hey Albus. Look like you all ate good." replied Damian as he look at the other team members of Albus. "You all heard the rumors, huh?"

"Yeah, me and the team were just talking about it while eating lunch. Crazy, huh?" said Albus.

Damian nod in agreement. "It was. I still hear about it around the school, even the dorms. Did Ozpin or the police tried to do something about it?"

"He did reassure the students that there's nothing to be afraid of and the problem is taken care of. But, I doubt they can keep quiet for long." said Nicole.

As the two teams chat, the announcement spoke. "All students, please report to the assembly hall. All students, please report to the assembly hall." Then, it shut off.

"Huh. I guess we'll find out. Let's go." said Damian. Soon, they all leave to the assembly hall. On the way, many students are heading over the same way.

Once they arrive, a large crowd of students are seen, waiting for the headmaster to arrive. Soon enough, Ozpin arrive with Glynda. He takes a breath and begin to speak.

"Students, I know you all are well aware of the incident that happened earlier. To be frankly, it surprised me as well. I call you all over to announce what we have learned so far. From what Kaila said, the village they were sent to investigate in the outskirts of Snowy Fall Forest, was deserted. There were signs of combat and struggle, but no bodies are reported." The students look at each other, faces of uneasiness and fear etched in their faces. Some even start to sweat. Despite the reaction, Ozpin continue to speak. "They scour the surroundings, searching for any survivors, thinking it was the result of a Grimm attack. But it was disapproved due to no evidence of a Grimm attack. But unfortunately, that's what she can remember. As of today, I want three teams to go to the village and find the other students and huntsman and learn of their fate. Volunteers, please step forward." Ozpin ask the student body. Nobody step forward until Ruby and her team step forward. Soon, Damian and Albus and their teams step forward. Ozpin smile with satisfaction. "Thank you three for your participation. Two teachers will accompany you on your mission. You all will meet tomorrow morning. You are all dismissed." He proceed to leave the hall with Glynda.

After he said that, all the students leave for the dorms. All left but the three teams. They all look at each other and wonder, what really happened at the village. What could've done it?

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