Chapter 10: Lost and Hungry

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Ms. Sarah, Nicole, Zaria, and Zenoct are walking down a rather large hallway. On both sides, crates are seen. They are large and metallic looking. However, they bare a rather familiar logo. Nicole walk over to one of the crates and kneel down. She rub off the dust to reveal the logo of Umbrella, the same company that was seen days before in front of the academy. The others follow behind her and look at the logo. Nicole speaks in a melancholy tone.

"Umbrella..... They are behind this."

"This may explain the secrecy of their operations whenever they get involved. Perhaps, they are also responsible for taking us here." Venoct said. "We need to get moving."

As soon they started walking, something was knocked down. They turn around to see a metallic barrel in the floor. They have their hands on their weapons, ready for any hostiles, but nothing came out. They sigh and continue their trek until he come across an unknown section of the hive. The walls and decor are white with dried blood stains splattered in the walls and floors. A few bodies are seen, mutilated and bloodied. Some with missing limbs and faces chewed off. They appeared to be wearing white lab coats with name tags with the umbrella logo.

"This might've been the research sector of this facility,or used to be. Let's look around for clues and any supplies." Sarah tells an the others. They nod and look around. Nicole and Zaria went to the labs room, while Zenoct went with Sarah to the lobby.

In the labs, Nicole and Zaria are looking through the file cabinets for any clues. The labs themselves are surprisingly tidy and clean compared to the outside halls and rooms. As they look through, they heard something dripping, like water droplets. They turn to see the source and look up, only to see something disturbing.

A creature of sorts is seen crawling on the ceiling. It appears to be slimy and its brain exposed. When it look at them, they realize it has no eyes. It opens its mouth and let out its tongue. All of a sudden, it lash out at Nicole with its tongue, revealing it to be very long, wrapping it around her neck. Nicole struggles to get it off, but then, it starts dragging her towards it, making her drop her weapon. Zaria picks up Nicole's weapon and run over to stab the beast at its exposed brain. It squeal and lets go of Nicole. She regain her breath and gets up, facing the creature. It snarl and lash out once again, only this time, they are waiting. Nicole stab the creature's tongue to the floor, pinning it. It squeaks once more, only for Zaria to get it off the ceiling with her broomstick. It hit the ground and Zaria start to beat on it, until it stop moving. Zaria pant as she regain her breath. She look over to Nicole.

"Hey, are you alright? It didn't scratch you, did it?"

"No, I'm fine." Nicole assure Zaria. "I'm only disgusted at the fact it used its tongue. I feel violated."

"I know." Zaria agrees. "Such a weird way to attack. It must be a bioweapon."

After she said that, fighting sounds is heard outside the lab. They rush out to see Sarah and Venoct fighting the same creatures they themselves just fought, only there's more of them. When their tongues lash out on the two, their aura protects them, but it becomes less and less frequent. Nicole and Zaria join the two and help them fend off the bizarre abominations, but they were still outnumbered. While fighting, Nicole notice a gas pipe above them. She motion Sarah about the pipeline, giving her an idea.

"Venoct, break that pipe above us." Sarah command Venoct, who nod and proceed to jump and break the pipe with a hard kick, releasing the gas. They start moving, giving time to let more gas build up and away from it, making the creatures char after them. Once they feel they are far enough, Nicole turn and wrap a piece of cloth around her make shift knife. Venoct proceed to light it with a lighter they found earlier. She fling the knife at the entryway that is crawling with the horrible monsters, prompting the group to drop down. Soon, the gas catches on fire, filing the hallway and rooms with flames, setting the creatures aflame to a burning crisp. They look up, seeing the hallway burned and black, the charred bodies of the weapons laying on the floor. The group release a sigh of relief, catching their breaths.

"Ok, everyone," Sarah speaks up. "We need to keep moving. There's no telling if those creatures will come back. Let's go."

Everyone follow her command and start walking again, heading down a large overhead tunnel of sorts. Then, they stop as they notice some shadows  walking towards them. Are they friend or foe?


Hello everyone. I apologize for the short chapter and not uploading. Life kept me hostage. I promised to keep it coming.

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