Daddy's Girl: Peter Maximoff x Reader

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A heavy sigh escaped your lips as you set your keys on the table, running a hand through your hair. It had been a tough day at work, and as usual, your boss didn't go easy on you when you made a small mistake.

You rubbed your eyes and made your way up the stairs, your hands quickly grabbing onto the railing when you tripped over your feet.

You looked at your bedroom door and then at the door across from it, which held another bedroom inside. The door was decorated in stickers and little figures stuck on with clear tape. A smile spread on your lips when you opened the door, too see a sight you really needed.

Peter was laying in the small bed, holding your very young daughter in his arms. The girl was asleep, but Peter wasn't. He seemed to be in a trance, staring at her, the biggest, goofiest grin on his face.

"She's a daddy's girl, isn't she?"

He snapped out of his trance, whipping his head up to look at you, startled. "Yeah." He breathed.

The grin on your face grew bigger as you walked towards the bed, careful not to wake the sleeping angel up. You kissed Peter's forehead and looked down at your daughter, biting down on your lip.

"I'm the luckiest man in the world." Peter spoke, and a silent giggle left your lips. You kissed him softly and rested your head against his. "Are you going to sleep with her tonight, or are you gonna find away to leave without waking her up?" You whispered

"I was thinking you could crawl in bed with us." Peter stroked the hair out of your face, and you nodded.

You slowly moved overtop of them, getting in bed on the right of him and tucking the blankets over your body.

He moved his arm from around the girl and wrapped it around you, using his other hand to hold her.

"I love you, Y/N." He spoke, playing with the fabric of your shirt. "I love you too, Peter." 

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