Tummy Kisses: Peter Maximoff x Trans boy!Reader

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Peter's arms were wrapped around you, the covers up to your chest. You breathed in heavily, playing with his hair as he looked at you.

A lightbulb went off in his head, a grin spreading to his cheeks, as he lowered himself down under the covers.

You laughed, "What the hell are you doing?" He looked at you from under the covers with a wink, lifting your shirt up, and planting a kiss to the scar that was visible there.

You let out a small laugh, making his heart flutter. Peter leaned down again, this time to press a raspberry to your tummy, causing you to let out a large laugh.

He held you close to his face as he kept doing it, you going into a laughing fit, hands attaching to his hair. "Peter, stop!"

Peter lifted up his head with a dorky smile on his face, moving closer to you. He kissed your forehead, holding your cheeks, whispering, "I love you more than anything." 

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