updated!peter maximoff dating head canons

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- oh, god, speedy kisses.i've seen a lot of stuff like "wouldn't it be a headbutt?" but, if we're talking his pov, it's just a normal kiss for him (but with you moving as fast as a snail)! your pov, just a touch to your cheek, that you recognize to be lips. you recognize it immediately.

- honestly, he'd probably say "oh i get laid a lot ;;))" and shit like that, but in all honesty, he prefers to be quiet about the real sex life you two have. he likes to keep his privacy.

- he loves seeing you in his jacket. and his goggles. and his shirts. and his pants. and his hats. and his underwear. every piece of clothing he owns.

- he seems like the type of guy to be such a proud boyfriend, such as: "babe, you're smokin'." "my partner's hot as hell, guys!" "i'm the luckiest dude." "that's my partner! guys! thats my partner! did you see that?? that was my partner!" "step on me, babe. holy shit!"

- just loves hugs. all day, everyday.honestly jokes a lot about your relationship. would never make jokes like "babe, sorry, but we can't be together anymore" playfully if you do something stupid/he doesn't like, his abandonment issues are too high for that due to his dad. will probably get a little upset if you make that joke.

- his most used nickname is "babe". his most preferred. will call you "love" and "darling" as a joke, complete with a british accent.

- in all honesty? he loves rom coms. really enjoys pretty in pink. he went as ducky for halloween one year.

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