high school live

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Indy pov:
*deep breath*here we go,new school,new friends,new live.
I got to my class and tried to sat down...after a while our new home room teacher came in "settle down.I'm gone introduced my self,my name is Mrs.reni and I'm your home room teacher and now everyone have to introduce their self up front"
(skip after the introduction)
"Now we know each other we have to choose a class representative and it vice,does anyone want to suggest or someone want to be one" everyone was suggesting emmy and Juan.their name was written in the white board.and then Juan suggested the I have to be one.
(After a while)
"Now write down on a piece of paper and see who will be the next classrep" I was voting for Juan and looking at everyone their was voting for him to.
(After voting)
"The results has come and our class rep is Juan with his vice indy,congrats you two" I can believe it I was voted for the vice that's amazing *bell rings* "now all of you have to get to the auditorium to see some extracurricular if you want to join one of them" we all go to the auditorium and saw some good example and performance from the music club.
"Hey Indy" "huh,what is it" are you going to join the music club" "don't know yet" "if you join we can make a new band like the old days but with new members" "hey remember it's hard to find someone that who can play drum and sing" we both chat for a while until the upper classmen came "hey are you to good at music" "not really.why ask" "we want to test you two" "oh wait a sec" I drag Stacy "are sure about this they are a veteran players" "it's fine we can do this" ..... "we except your test" "we will start from tomorrow" "ok bye"
(At class)
There was another promotion but now it's about red cross "I'll join red cross again" "are you sure" "I'm one hundred percent sure" "so anything else you wanna join" I think except re cross,I'm going to join the student council,why ask" "nothing,I'm just curious" the day almost end,things gotten bad I don't know how and why,maybe just bad luck.
"Wait what happen??" "There's no time to talk,we need to help her,hurry get her to the infirmary" when he said that everyone was just standing around so I help him to get her to the infirmary
"Now tell me what happened" "ok I'll tell you,but promise don't tell anyone" *few minutes of explanation* "ok I got it,do you bring her medicine" "I did,why do you need it" "I just want to take a look the medicine that your doctor give to her" I'd check the medicine and it seems that she's poisoned,I really don't want to tell him but for the good thing "first what's your name" "my name is Jacob pariwara" "ok jacob,does she have any allergic,to certain food or things" "I know that she have a trauma against height and bird's,but no allergic so far" "im afraid to say that she was poisoned and the doctor didn't notice this probably" "so now what do I do???" "First call your parents then call the teacher,ok" he gone out side to call their parents and the teacher,and I tried to find the antidote to at least slow down the poison.
(Few minutes later)
One of the teacher are ready to help her,and drop her at the nearest hospital "sir tell the nurse that she was poisoned by this thing,but I've slow down the poison effects and don't give her any medicine for the next 3-4 hour" "ok,now let's go" "Thanks umm......" "chan my name is chan" glad that was over now "hey indy errr... miss erni is calling you" I go to the teacher lounge and miss erni are calling me "indy where's your friend Stacy" "she's gone home,do you need anything ma'am" "will you join the doctor extracurricular,it's still new and I want to make you the teacher for this,can you loan some time" "ok I'll do it,but I can't always be there" "it's fine but you are the head of the infirmary,so if we need to get the student's checkups for once every 3 month,boy's or girl's you will check them but you have to find your vice,ok" "ok,I guess,I better go now miss,good bye"

(Next day)
"Hey indy did you got a job in a cafe" how did she knows "well I guess you can say so" what am I thinking. "I work there as well" "wha...... you mean,wait"
(Flash back)
'Help wanted,male or female age:15-26,profession:maid/butler,bartender,a cooker,and CS. Oooo nice profession here,and it's not to far from school. I went to the cafe oh she's look familiar,I go to the and ask around,then "oh your looking for a new job" she give me an application slip (few minute later) I have the paper back "now I'm gone give it to the manager and see if she accept it"
(One hour later)
I saw someone coming towards me she's still a high school student 'hmmm...she seams familiar' "hey your name is chan right,congrats you're hire as a butler" "Thanks" "but remember you have to find a partner that match for you" "wait a partner?,you mean that I have to"
(End flash)
"Wow hold on,you mean" "yup,I want to be your partner at work" "are you sure,you know I'm bad at this" "no you're great,now please..." she look at me with that sad eye "no,I won't" "please" she keeps following me until I got home,at work,and the next day and the next day until.
"Ok I'll be your partner but remember don't do this again,you happy now" "Thanks Indy" she came close to me and she huge me in front for the classroom,a lot of our friends saw us and the class be came more annoying.
I looked at Stacy,I don't know with but she's crying and it's reminds me of someone.

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