Chapter 1

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  Atticus rubbed his cold, wet nose in my face, waking me up. I rubbed my eyes and looked at the ceiling of the cabin and patted Atti's head. I yawned and unzipped the sleeping bag and sat up . The sun was rising and the birds were chirping,  I crawled over to the window and checked for bandits or scouts, nothing. I checked all the other windows and I was safe. I rolled up my sleeping bag and packed my bags. Atticus stretched and moaned then ran over and picked up my quivers with his teeth. "Ok, I'll try to get a deer or something today." I whispered and took the quivers and grabbed the bow and machete. Even though there wasn't anybody outside, I still rolled my feet to keep quiet. I walked to the back door and set out with Atti to find food and loot.

  The hot summer sun reached out to me and took me in its blazing embrace.I was trotting to the nearby town Seven Points that's little more then a mile away.

   When I reached the small town I sent Atticus in to search for people, he back back after a few minutes  which told me I was free to go. I walked in a gas station first, there was blood splattered on the glass door and the floor as I walked inside. the isles were emty except for a few emtpy and unnecessary items. I searched a few other vacant buildings before heading to a work building. Atti was a few steps ahead of me as we searched the first floor. Nothing. We walked up the steps to the second floor and into a hallway.  Voices were coming from a few rooms over so I hushed Atti and drew a quiver. I slowly walked to the edge of the hallway and hid behind a flipped desk. There was someone in the room I was  in as well, I could tell he worked for NWO. I tried to move to get a better angle to shoot him but my foot crunched on glass. His head shot at me, he had dusty brown hair and his brown eyes matched. His shotgun was aimed right at me and I threw my bow up at him but didn't shoot.

   NWO always shoot at sight of a survivor but why didn't he? He put his gun down and brought his finger to his lips as if to hush me. I tightened my grip on the bow and he leaned the shotgun on a desk. I lowered my bow and tilted my head as he flashed a small smile. The voices from the other room grew louder, I bit my tongue and backed into the shadows. Two grown men walked in the room and one grabbed the boys shoulder "Anything Jake?" he shook his head and grabbed his shotgun. "Alright lets try another building" one of the men said as they walked towards me. I scooted back into the wall as far as I could and pulled out a small dagger. Atticus lunged at the first of them and I grabbed the other, slid my dagger into his throat, and dropped him into a lump. Jake stared at me and I signaled Atticus to sit, Jake swallowed and took a step back. I turned around and Atticus was asleep,  what?!  I looked up at another grown man, he hit me in the head with the butt of the rifle and everything went black.

I woke up tied to a telephone post outside, Jake and the asshole who knocked me out were standing by a car talking. I shot my head around for Atticus, thank god he was ok. He had a muzzle on and was tied to a tree a few yards  away. Still asleep. I wriggled my hands around to see how tight the binds were and im pretty sure that might fingers might fall off from loss of circulation. 

"She's awake" The man walked over to me with a pistol in his hands, Jake right behind him. "Normally I would kill you right away but a pretty little girl like you doesnt deserve to die so...dull. Lets give you a sacrifice" He smiled and showed rotted teeth through his beard. I spit at his shoes and he kneeled down a grabbed my cheeks. "Now you deserve a sacrafice" he through my head to the side and stood back up. " Get the handcuffs from the car". Jake nodded and jogged to the car. "Whats your name sweetheart?" he pointed his pistol at me. I grinded my teeth and remained quiet, he swung his arm up as if to hit me. "Ivan! Remember what we were told?" Jake ran up and handed over the cuffs. Ivan mumbled something to himself the kneeled down to me "Listen little missy, you're going to be a good girl" Wherever this is going, its already not going to happen your way. "and cooperate with us. Ok?" I rolled my eyes and Jake came up  behind me and put one cuff on my hand and started cutting the ropes away. Ivan pointed his gun at me and spit at the ground. I whispered through grinded teeth "Let me go or both of you will be dead".

"Trust me, I'll get you out" Jake whispered in my ears. I felt one of the binds snap and I immediately kicked Ivans shins and his fell with an umpth and shot his gun. I grabbed the knife from Jakes hands and the gun and held the gun to Ivans head. "Little Bitch. Jake you better get your ass over here and get this gun." He spat out. I shot my eyes at Jake and he was behind me with a gun to my head. He frowned and Ivan ripped my feet out from under me, I kicked him in the groin and rolled out from under him. I was cralwing back to the pistol when Jake jumped on my back and put the other handcuff on. He leaned to my ear "You should trust me more often". 

"Yea well fuck you" I said and Jake laughed. Ivan was groaning as he got to his feet "Bring...bring her to the god damn car." He got off of me and pulled me to my feet. I tried to fight back at first but knew it was useless, so Jake just guided me to the car. I noticed it was a police car the paint was rubbed off and the lights gone. He opened the back door and set me in "What about my dog?" Jake looked at Atti. He shut my door then walked to Ivan, they were talking probably about Atticus but I wasn't sure. Jake jogged up to the sleeping dog and poked him with a stick. After a few pokes and no reaction, he untied Atticus and carried him to the car. Ivan limped to the drivers side and got in cursing to himself. Jake went to the passengers side and put Atti in next to me, then got in the front.

  The car radio was on specifically for NWO, they told jokes and stories and played music. NWO disabled anything electronic or that required energy but I guess they only care about themselves. The ride was long and boring, maybe 3 hours passed before we pulled over. "I gotta take a piss" Ivan stepped out and walked to the edge of the woods. "Ya'll are going to sacrifice me?" I spoke past the bars. Jake turned around to me, he didn't say anything but he just stared. I narrowed my eyes and slid my cuffed hands under my butt, then under my legs until they were in front of me. "I hope you're not gonna do anything stupid" Jake said quietly and stuck a piece of gum in his mouth. I turned and looked at Atticus who was starting to move around, the drugs were wearing off.

I smiled and relaxed in my seat and silently started unbuckling the muzzle. By the time Ivan was getting in the car I had Atticus' muzzle off. Atti licked his lips and I kept his head down. Ivan started the engine and I kicked the door open. I stumbled out and Atticus was right behind me, I heard them make some remarks and get out of the car. I was sprinting in the woods far enough so they couldn't see me. I crouched behind a bush and waited them to come searching for me. I finally spotted them, they both and shotguns. "You gon' die out here if you cant get them cuffs off" Ivan yelled as he searched trees and walked towards me.

The ground rumbled and I placed my hand on it, horses. NWO sometimes ride horses near the capital or cities because they're silent and versatile.  In other words im screwed, I was trapped between calvary and guns. If I made a run for the police car I might of a chance of getting out alive. As if Atti knew what I was thinking, he ran out to get their attention. I sprang up and sprinted to the road, I heard the voices of the calvary and the whinnies of the horses. I glanced back and everyone was in search for me. When I spun my head back around there were five horsemen in front of me. "Well,  well, well." One of the men said "She is a beauty". I panted and looked behind me, the rest of the calvary caught up and so did Ivan and Jake. The horses stamped and the ground and shooks their heads"Give up yet?" Ivan spoke.

"Nah, I'll just take a break" I breathed out and smiled as one of the men on horses put a bag over my head.

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