Chapter 6

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Chapter 6

He kicks my chair, slamming my face into the ground. I moaned as I tried not to inhale dirt or eat it.


I tilted my head just enough to see Gold emerge from the crowd "You know this is not what I meant."

Gold looked at me from the corner of his eyes then back at Augustus but he was out of my line of sight. "Don't mind me, just eating dirt." I said, trying to lighten my own mood.

"You are what you eat." Augustus added.

"Pig" I grinded through my teeth.

"Enough. Augustus, just because she's Shadow, doesn't mean you don't treat her like every other sacrafice." Gold pointed to me with a cane.

"Yessir" Augustus mumbled and grabbed my chair and set me upright again. He cut the bindings off my writs and ankles while guards held multiple guns at me.

I stood up and Augustus started walking and a guard pushed me with the nose of the gun, "Walk."

I rolled my eyes and followed Augustus through the parting crowd. We ended up in something like a colosseum, chairs an stands were circled all around us.

I was pushed to the middle where Augustus stood, he pointed to the ground in front of him carelessly.

I sighed and stood in front of him while rocking on my heels. "What now?"

"Now" he looked around and people were filling the colosseum, "Now you will be sacrificed." His voice boomed as he lifted his sword from his waist and held it in the air. My ears filled with cheers and my stomach dropped, sacrifice??Now???

I frantically searched the roaring crowd for Jake but no luck. My mind was racing why is it today? I thought it was tomorrow? Does Jake know? Was he able to tell the others?

Augustus laughed devilishly and I shot my head to him, he smiled and I furrowed my eyebrows at him. The coliseum quieted and my eyes came upon Gold, sitting in a part that looked like it belonged to a king. He had his hands raised up until everyone was quiet, then he lowered them.

"Hello everyone..." He was announcing my sacrifice but of course I wasn't paying attention, I was looking for Jake. I was only able to catch parts of what he was saying, "Shadow dies tonight!" Gold's voice traveled and the crowds cheered through the arena.

I swallowed a lump in my throat as Gold signaled to Augustus standing behind me. I turned and Augustus spoke, "The sacrifice starts now!"



FINALLY uploaded another chapter.. sorry!

I hope you enjoyed!

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