Chapter 2

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   I was placed back in the the cop car with the bag on my head, I dont know where Atticus is or if he's still alive. Our car stopped after an  hour of driving and I heard a window roll down and Ivan say something. Then I heard metal screech then we drove slowly. We were definitely in a capital or big city, since I heard cars and people talking. After a few minutes the car stopped again and we got out, someone's bear hands guided me into a building. They ripped the bag off my head and I noticed we were inside. It was dark and musty but there were a few lights. I looked all over and it seemed to be a jail. The man that was walking me opened a cell and threw me in.

   He locked the door "Come here and I'll take the cuffs off" I walked to the door and stuck my hands through. They clicked and fell off, I looked around my cell, there wasn't anything in here. Not even a matress like I read about in books. I turned back to the door and looked through the bars, there were a few people walking around.  Of course they had guns. I looked in some other cells but they were all empty, I went to the back of my cell and sat on the floor. I listened to my stomach growl for a while then some old lookin men walked to my cell. One of them stared at me and said so, something to the others in a different language. They nodded and walked away. "What is your name?" He was probably 50 years old, his beard was white and wrinkles filled his face. His cold eyes were fixed on my emerald ones.

  I stayed quiet and looked him up and down. He frowned "How old are you" I sighed and started picking at my nails. "If you tell us about you, food will be granted." My eyes shot up at him and he chuckled. "Lets try this again. What is your name?" this time I spoke. "You know exactly who I am." I stood up and brushed dust off of my pants.

   "Im afraid I don't" He shook his head and fiddled his thumbs. I grinned and took a step towards him "Think. What survivor is the most notorious?" I could see him thinking, he opened his mouth then closed it. I took another step towards him, "Come on" I hissed "I know you know". I took slow steps to the door, we stared each other down and something clicked in his eyes.

  "Shadow" He growled. "We finally caught you". I smiled menacingly and put my hands on the bars of the door. "How safe do you feel to have me in your city?" He puckered his lips and the men that were with him before returned. Ivan and Jake right behind them. "Men, this is Shadow" He said my name like poison. "You will be rewarded greatly" He turned and walked away. All the men in the area stared at me with fear in their eyes. "Goddamn" Ivan said. He looked at Jake and Jake stared at me with a blank look. "Um I was promised food" I looked at the guards and they stared at eachother. I rolled my eyes and whispered under my breath. Everyone but Jake walked away "Are you really Shadow?" he whispered.

  I backed to the corner of my cell, disappearing into the shadows. He scoffed "I can't help you". I swiftly walked to the bars "Why? Are you afraid?" He shook his head. "No, theres no way they would let you live." Fine, I'll just find my own way out. I  sat with my back on the wall still hidden in the shadows. Jake walked away with his head down. I thought of a few breakout plans that might work before I was got distracted.  One of the guards slid a bowl of slop under the door of my cell. I could smell it before I saw what it was. They didn't give me a spoon or anything so I stuck my finger in it then out it in my mouth. I gagged sat back in the shadows and closed my eyes.

  Footsteps near my cell woke me up, It was that old guy that found out I was Shadow. He looked at my bowl of mush then called a guard over. He yelled in a language that sounded like it was from the middle east. The old guy hit his head and then the guard ran off. "I want you dead. But we have to sacrifice you correctly, which means giving you filling foods." He pulled the dish out of the cell and threw it at a guard. "I haven't told you my name, Its Gold."  I rolled my eyes and turned over to face the wall. Gold whistled for a few seconds then a set of footsteps walked towards my cell. They spoke in that language, I turned my head and saw a guard hand over a tray full of food. I sat up and Gold slipped the tray under the door. The food looked good, too good. They could be trying to poison me or put some kind of drug in me. "Go ahead, we aren't going to kill you... yet." Gold pulled up a chair and sat down. I pulled the tray towards me and looked at the divine food. I've never had anything better then venison so I don't even know what most of this is.

  I grabbed the plastic fork and dug into a baked potatoe. My mouth was watering as I shoved  the forkfull of potatoe in my mouth. I moaned and stabbed into the juicy pink steak. Gold watched me eat and I was done in a few minutes. I pushed the tray under the door and leaned against the wall. "God I hate you." I looked at Gold and he smiled. I slid a fork into the back of my pants. "Why do you feed me if you're just going to kill me?"

  "Its for the sacrifice. You have to look good before you die" He smiled deviously. "What is this whole "sacrifice" thing?" I made air quotations and filled my words with attitude. Gold laughed then stood up, "It has to be a suprise".

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