Chapter 5

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I woke up laying on a couch, a couch that felt like an angels ass. I sat up and rubbed the golden couch, "Its silk". Gold's voice made me vomit internally. I rolled my eyes and turned around, he was standing in a massive doorway of the room I was in. I examined the room and say marble floors and tables, golden trinkets and what-not. There was a fireplace with fire pokers...pokers. Lemme just poke Gold up his ass for a second. Gold cleared his throat "You are not staying here I simply want to talk." I laughed sarcastically, I tried to sit differently but something touched the back of my head "Oh yes, and if you try anything rebellious... there are three gunmen behind you".

I sighed and turned my head, sure enough three dicks right behind me. I bit the inside of my cheek and tried to relax to show Gold he hasn't made me uncomfortable. I leaned back and propped my feet on the marble table. It was Gold's turn to roll his eyes and it made me happy inside. "Lets start off with.." He clicked his tongue, "Ah, yes. Who are you exactly?" We stared intently at each other and I remained silent. "You want to play it this way hmm?" Gold slowly walked over to me. I sat up right and tried to think  any moves I could pull. "I'll remember this for tomorrow...we must keep moving with questions". He sat down next to me and he smelled like baby powder. I wrinkled my nose and scooted down the couch.

"I suspect you want me to answer some of your questions as well?" He stared at me blankly.

"I don't need answers from you."

"Why? Does your boyfriend Jake tell you all?" He tilted his head and I grinded my teeth. I looked away at the fire pokers again, then a mirror with reflection of the guards behind me. "Don't think I don't have plans for him as well." He opened his mouth up as if to say something important but just closed it again. I stared at him a with a look of disgust, "Gentlemen, move her to where she will be staying for the night." Gold got up and the guards started walking around the couch, my heart was racing and I thought about going for the pokers. But I knew I should save my energy. The guards grabbed my arms firmly and pressed a needle into my arm, the guards said something in Arabic, laughed, then I blacked out.

When I woke I was in a musty, dirt bottom cell. It had to be a basement or something because I woke up coughing with dirt in my lungs. There was no light not even a sliver, my head was throbbing probably from whatever drug they shoved into my body. A big metal door screeched open and blinded me with light. A figure stood in the doorway and it wasn't Gold's for once "Get up" his voice sounded harsh and I struggled to even sit up. "Get up" he demanded.

I clenched my teeth "Could you give me a second" My head was dizzy and I was still trying to focus, all of a sudden my head started spinning and someone was dragging me to my feet. My legs felt like rubber and I couldn't stand so I was sorta being dragged. I didn't even get a chance to see who was dragging me I just went with it. I think I blacked out when I got out of my cell but I don't remember, all I remember is waking up outside. On a chair. In the middle of the streets. With the whole city staring at me. I mumbled and swung my head around trying to figure thing out. "Wakey- wakey" the man with the harsh voice is back and he's poking me with the end of his sword. I looked up at him and he seemed to be about thirty years old. He looked European but sounded devilish.

I rolled my eyes,"Let me guess...your name is Silver" I said sarcastically. The crowd was silent and staring, like they're looking at a wild animal. "Try again...My name is Augustus. I am not nearly as nice as Gold as you might tell." He was circling me like a lion circles its prey.

Stared him dead in the eye and it was silent for a few moments, he was still walking around me and I was still staring a hole in him. "So are we going to get to the point where you tell me why I'm in the middle of the street?" He swung his sword up and held it to my throat "I'll be the one asking questions". I rolled my eyes and stared into the crowd. Augustus pulled his sword away but kept it at his side, "As you all know a sacrifice is taking place tomorrow". He spoke to the crowd and he looked at him attentively. "And as you might not know, this...girl...will be the sacrifice." A few murmurs wondered through the crowd. "Silence." His voice was like a tack. Short and sharp.

 "But we all know what must happen first." He smiled wickedly at me then the crowd roared with excitement.

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