Chapter 7

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Chapter 7

My mind raced and my heart skipped beats, adrenaline rushed through my veins and I felt like I was about to faint. Augustus grabbed my hair and slammed me into the dirt, my legs crumpled beneath me and I yelped as his fist grabbed more blonde hair and shoved me farther into the dry dirt.

I spat dirt out of my mouth, "Killing me... wont bring back the hundreds of people I killed"

"Maybe not" He lifted me up by my hair and i grimaced, "But feeling your blood drip down my hands as I beat you to death will make me forget all the horrible things you are".

Bells ringed and Augustus smiled devilishly at me, "Time for me to forget".

He held my hair with one hand as the other swung around to my face, I hit the dirt floor once more and I reached to my aching face. Blood dripped from my lip and nose as the pain suddelny hits me, tears well up in my eyes and my head spins. Augustus grabbed the back of my neck and picked me up, he held his thumbs on the arteries on either sides of my neck, making me even dizzier then before.

"You" I tried to talk through the pain, "killed everyone" my eyes were closing and he gritted his teeth "I've ever loved".

He let go and I fell to the floor, I chose not to move. I let my eyes go out of focus and prayed for everything that I could. My ears blocked out everything, the only thing I felt was the rumble of the cheers from the people through the ground.

Augustus walked to my slowly and said something, the ground shook from the roar of the crowds. He put his boot next to my face and I thought about what he was going to do. He swung his leg back but I didn't flinch, I was still blocking everything out.

His foot came flying to my face but it stopped abruptly, followed by his body falling to the ground. I let my senses come back, the gasps and screams rang in my ears and I pushed my body to look around. Augustus lay inched from me with an arrow in his heart, I blink slowly as I hear my name being called. I turn my head and see Jake jumping over the wall of the that separated us. He screamed something at me then threw me a bow and arrow.

I stared at the weapon and tried to figure out what's happening, if I was dead and I'm imagining this, or if I'm unconsious and this is a dream.

My bloody fingers inched to the weapon and I felt it, this is mine.

My heart raced, suddenly everything felt real. I jumped to my feet and looked around at the people holding back the guards. This was our plan, this was it.

I hear Atticus bark and I looked around for him. He jumped over the wall and ran to me, I smiled stopped when a bullet flew by my face. I turned and drew an arrow as I looked for the shooter, he was standing above the wall, I let go of the arrow and it flies into his chest and he falls.

"RUN" Jake screamed and I realize that the next part of the plan was to get out of here. I ignored the pain that throbbed through my head as I ran to metal doors. I pushed but they wouldn't budge, more shots were being fired and more of our people were being killed. I look frantically at Jake and he points to the wall where a few people are fighting off guards. I sprint and meet with Jake, he kneels on the ground and puts his hand out to push me up, "What about you?"

"Just get out of here!"  He screams and takes my foot then pushes me up. Atticus barks at huards that were falling into the arena. I hop over the wall and give Jake my hand, "Come on!" I screamed as sweat dripped down my head.

"GO" He yelled back and drew a sword.

I took a deep breath and felt an arm grab mine, "You need to get out of here" A dark haired girl tells me. "I can't leave them!".

She shakes her head, "They are risking their life for you to get out of here. Don't let thier lives go to waste".

Tears streamed down my face and she pulls me away from the wall, "Follow me".

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 23, 2014 ⏰

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