Chapter Twenty | Pancakes > Apple

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After school, I confirmed with my parents that I would be able to go for the sleepover

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After school, I confirmed with my parents that I would be able to go for the sleepover.

"Mum, I'm just reminding you and dad that I won't be back until tomorrow after my shift," I said as I made myself comfortable on the sofa. I moved the cushions so I could lie down.

"I don't remember agreeing to that," my dad teased. It was a routine that we usually went through whenever I asked to go. He was watching some random sports highlights from the recent matches whilst my mum was flicking through a baking magazine.

"It's too late not to agree. I already told Eva I'll be there," I replied in a matter of fact tone.

"She's your daughter," my dad responded by giving a look to my mum. My mum laughed as she was used to the usual routine.

"Ella, just don't do anything too wild that we can't help you out..." My mum's usual lecture started and I just nodded where appropriate. What did she honestly think I was going to do tonight? Paint the town red? Burn down the school?

Actually the last one's a bit tempting...

Once my mum was done talking, I picked up one of Emily's books to read. I shuffled around until I found the perfect spot and started to read as I had some time to kill until I was dropped off at Eva's place. Hopefully this one would be better than the billionaire one.

My alarm went off. I got up and chose my outfit for today. It was white ripped jeans, a black crop top and combat boots.

I stared at my reflection in the mirror. My muddy brown eyes looked dull. I did my makeup quickly. Just a little bit of foundation, concealer, mascara and lipgloss.

I brushed my long, perfectly straight brown hair as I got ready for the first day at my new school. I must be a weirdo to transfer during senior year but my parents got a new job so I had to move. I hope I make new friends.

My mum was making pancakes when I got downstairs.

"Hi mum!" I said.

"You better get ready or else you'll be late for your first day at your new school," she said whilst flipping pancakes.

"Okay! Bye," I shouted as I grabbed an apple and jumped into my brand new car. I drove to school and parked in the first spot available.

I looked around for the office and eventually found it. I went up to the desk. The was an old lady with glasses sitting and looking through some papers.

"Hi, I'm new and would like to get my schedule," I said.

"Oh! Yes, here's a map and your schedule. I hope you enjoy your time here!" The old lady smiled as she handed me some papers.

I looked down at my schedule:

1- Maths RM23
2-Art RM7
3-English RM47
4- History RM57
5- Drama HALL5
6- Chemistry LAB2
7- Biology LAB6
8-Gym HALL3

I hate maths, I thought miserably whilst trying to look for classroom 23. This school was massive with 3 floors and 3 different buildings. Whilst I wasn't looking I walked into a wall.

"Ow," I muttered as all my papers went flying everywhere. I looked up to see that my wall was in fact a very muscular boy.

He had blonde hair styled like he just rolled out of bed. He had a high cheekbones and a slight stubble. He green eyes were like emeralds and he wore a white t-shirt which you could easily see his muscles under a leather jacket. He was easily over 6 ft as he towered over me. He was the hottest guy I've ever seen!

"Watch where you're going!" He shouted at me. He glared at me before storming off. His voice was husky and I would be fangirling if he wasn't being so rude.

I felt anger starting to bubble up inside of me! How could he be so rude to me! I started picking up my papers. Next time I saw him I would show him how angry I was. No one gets away with shouting at me. Just because he's hot, it doesn't mean he can walk all over me!

I started storming in the opposite direction still looking for room 23. The bell rang and everyone rushed to class whilst I was still lost. After some wandering, I found my class and knocked on the door.

"Sorry I'm late, I was lost," I said once I opened the door.

"Oh that's okay, why don't you introduce yourself," the teacher said. I looked around the classroom and saw the rude guy sitting in the back row.

"Hi, I hate rude people and that's all you need to know," I said whilst looking directing into his emerald eyes. A few people gasped when they realised who I was looking for. Rude guy seemed to tense up.

The teacher coughed, "Why don't you take a seat at the back with Ryder?"

I walked to the seat next to rude guy who's name seemed to be Ryder. All the girls glared at me. When I get my hands on Ryder I will-

"Ella, it's time for you to go pack," my mum interrupted. I put the book down and did as I was told.

This is even worse than the first book. I feel like she's still going to end up with Ryder despite him being rude. She's also so angry over nothing. The most annoying thing was: HOW DO YOU TAKE AN APPLE WHEN YOUR MUM'S MAKING PANCAKES??

Once I was packed, my dad dropped me off to Eva's flat. She'd probably have some good movies lined up for us to watch. I didn't want to think about that book anymore even though I'd have to eventually finish it if tonight passed the test. I walked up to the lift and pressed the button to take me to the third floor.

I hope tonight goes to plan like the book said.


Pancakes are bae. 


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