Chapter Thirty Five | No.

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"No!" I instantly replied

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"No!" I instantly replied. I didn't want to get dressed up for nothing. He can't know that much? Right?

I unhooked my arm and decided to walk away. Maybe my uncle will know something.

"Aww, don't be like that Ella!" He followed behind me.

"I refuse to go. I don't want to waste a night playing dress up." I stopped and told him. Does it look like I enjoy going to dances?

"We don't have to stay the whole night," he promised and after a sigh, "You don't have to wear a fancy dress."

"But why? Isn't there another price?" I complained.

"Mmm... No." He acted as if he was thinking but his mind was already made up.

"But why?" I repeated.

"I'll tell you if you agree to go with me," he persuaded. I want to know but am I desperate enough to say yes. Questions, questions, questions; they're going to drive me insane.

"When exactly an I going to find out these answers?" I enquired.

"After you hold up your end of the bargain."

"No way! You could continue blackmailing me with the answers afterwards," I exclaimed.

"Fine, fine, fine. I'll tell you now but you'll have to promise to come or I'll drag you there regardless," he negotiated.

"Ok, you have a deal." We shook hands.

We then decided to go to the ice cream place in town to talk. We went to to the counter to get our ice cream. I ordered chocolate (the best flavour) whilst Calvin order strawberry. We sat down at a booth and I dived into eating my ice cream, momentarily forgetting the real reason I was here. This ice cream in the best thing I've ever had. Yum!

Calvin cleared his throat, "So where do I start?"

I licked my lips before replying, "The beginning is usually a good place."

"Umm okay... So I was a recruit two years ago. This is my third year in the business and this project was a bit different." He paused to eat some of his ice cream as it melted.

"How different?"

"Well the project was based on a person who was busy with the recruitment phase. Also I had to keep them away from 2 people, instead of one." He paused again to make sure I was following. I have a feeling this person is me...

"Oh so who this person?" I asked to make sure my idea was correct.


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