Chapter Twenty Three | Cupid

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I was on a mission

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I was on a mission. A mission to find the perfect date for Eva. I would use the time to look out for suitable matches.

However, first I needed to take the orders of a family sitting at one of my tables. I went to the table and pulled out my notepad from my apron pocket and politely asked, "Good afternoon, my name is Ella and I'll be at your service. Is there anything I get you?"

The parents rattled off there order whilst the children attempted to get only dessert. I smiled at the children before repeating the order back to them. I went to the kitchen and handed the order the chef. There was obviously no guy at that table unless I wanted to cause a scandalous coupling.

I went to serve another customer. He was sitting by himself in the corner and looked like he was in his late 20s. I went up to him asked for his order.

"Black coffee with a chocolate muffin please," he responded. Oh would you look at that... Manners!

"Will that be all?" I smiled at him.

"Yes, thank you," he responded with a smile of his own. Looks like my luck was turning.

I quickly gave the family the food they ordered before starting on the mans order. Everything was going to be great. All I need to do is approach him for a blind date.

I picked up the tray and started to make my way to him until I caught a glimpse of his screen. He was standing next to his bride. It checked his ring finger to see another major hint I missed, a ring. Why are all the good guys taken?

The search seemed to get more tedious as the afternoon moved on. Either they lacked manners or were married or just perverted. I caught on of them checking out a few other waitresses. There was no way I was putting Eva through such a date. He'd probably stare at her chest the whole evening.

Hope looked lost. I slouched behind the counter as I took my fifteen minute break. I needed a new strategy or maybe I needed to sneak into a club. Is there seriously no decent single men in the area?

Suddenly I realised why people would click on those dodgy ads about hot singles in your area. This dating stuff was not easy...

Someone started messing my hair whilst I was thinking. I turned around ready to shout at the culprit.

"Sam!" I was engulfed in a hug instead.

"Nice blue hair. Why don't you do pink next time?" He teased.

"Eww, no! I hate pink," I replied instantly.

Samuel, more commonly known as Sam, was my cousin. He had been away for the last few year finishing off a Business degree. He left later than most to start his degree and had graduated earlier this year. As a gift, he went on a 2 month tour around Europe.

"I didn't realise you were returning today! Why didn't you tell me you were coming back earlier?" I started reprimanding.

"It was a surprise! Now enough of that. Tell me what's new in this lovely town?" he smiled, we both knew he was avoiding the topic so I let it drop. For now...

"What do you think? I can't think of anything worth mentioning at the moment. If I do I'll let you know..." Well it's not like I can tell you about CC.

"Well your hair is new I suppose. It looks cool though."

"Haha my hair is old news now. I have to go, my break is over," I said as glanced at the clock.

"Better get to work before I cut your pay," his voice was mockingly serious.

"You're not the boss of me," I replied before sticking my tongue out.

I returned to the floor, only to remember my current problem. I internally groaned. Note to self: Don't date. It's too much work.

I was in a middle of pouring coffee when I had my hallelujah moment. I just had to beg Sam to take Eva out until Antonio leaves town, which I like to think is soon. Now to convince Sam...

After my shift, I went to the office. Uncle Mark usually took the afternoons off on the weekends so I knew no one would disturb me whilst I threatened- I mean persuaded Sam to my plans.

"Sammy...I need a favour!" I said as I bounced into the office.

"How much do you need this time?" He responded from where he was seated. He looked bothered by something. Probably something to do with his early return.

"Umm its not money this time. I need you to go on a date," I replied as I took a seat across from him. Now you look like the boss.

"Ella... I don't need you to set me up, I perfectly fine finding my own dates."

"But I'm doing this for a friend! I can't set her up with any old guy. You're nice, well mannered and not perverted. Please do this!" I begged.


"But why?"

"All your friends a bit too young to be dating me," he reasoned.

"She's not in school! Just agree so I can tell you who it is" I negotiated. I know curiosity is your weakness.

"Okay, okay. One date only," he agreed. Curiously killed the cat.

"It's Eva," I told him simply.

"What? I didn't think she'd need help dating..."

"Actually it was my idea. That rude rich guy is after her and he's horrible," I explained.


"Yeah well you've agreed now so make sure you plan fabulous date.  I'll let Eva know. I need to get home before mum blows up my phone with messages of my whereabouts," I eneded the conversation.

I got out the chair and gave Sam a hug before leaving him. At least today went well. It looks like one of my projects in well on its way to being completed successfully.


Dating is difficult.

Dating is difficult

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