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Mia's POV
I woke up at 6:00 the next morning because I heard something hit my window. I walk over to the window and open it. I look out and see nothing. Then I feel something hit my head. It was a big gray rock. Then I hear someone say "Sorry I didn't mean to hit you, I was just trying to get your attention.". I then realize who it is and close my window and curtains. I jump on my bed face first, then I hear my phone vibrate. I look at the callerID and it says "🌸JayBae🌸😍😘💋" I laugh a little about how much emojis I put and declined the call. I was still mad about what he said. Then I hear a knock at the door and my mom yells "Mia please go get the door." I do as she says and open the door. Justin is standing there and asks if he could come in. I let him in because my mom was staring at me and I didn't want to be rude. "Mia why don't you show him your room!" My mom said. I rolled my eyes and ran upstairs so he couldn't see which room I ran into. Unfortunately it didn't work and he beat me by an inch. I hopped on my bed and started playing on my phone. He cleared his throat trying to catch my attention. I turn my body towards him and show him I'm listening by sitting up straight and looking at him.
(Convo M=Mia and J=Justin)
J- Why did you run out on me yesterday!?!"
M- I told you already
J- I knew you were lieing though! Tell me the real reason why you ran out on me.
M- Fine!! Do you remember what you said in the car when you said I was weird and I not like other girls?
J- Yeah. Why?
M- I didn't really like that you said that. Am I suppose to change so you like me? I'm sorry I'm like other girls but that is just who I am!
J- Mia, I'm sorry if you felt like that baby girl but I didn't mean it in a bad way. You are different than many girls and that is good, your unique and I love how weird you are. I LOVE YOU!
M- I LOVE YOU TOO!!!!!!! Thanks, my prince always knows how to cheer me up!
Justin picks me up from my waist and pushes me against the wall. He then starts kissing me roughly but passionately at the time. I kiss back and after 30 more second of kissing I pull away. Justin makes a pouty face that makes me giggle and He carefully lets go of me. Justin and I decide to do to to the park and play around. While we were playing I got a call from my mom, so I excused myself from the game and took the call
Justin's POV
As Mia was taking the call I sat on one of the tables and started playing on my phone. I felt a tap on my shoulder so turned around and really pretty girl was there. She was pretty but Mia was DROP DEAD GORGEOUS 👇💀👸🔥😏. She asks if she could sit down so I say yes. As I was playing on my phone I see her staring at me in the corner of my eye. I look at her and she says " Sorry, you just have the most amazing eyes and you are just so handsome!" I blush like and idiot and thank her. She stands up and sits on my lap. I look up with a worried look and say "I have a girlfriend.". "Oh sorry, of course you have a girlfriend. I bet she has a big heart like you." She says back to me. "Yeah she is the sweetest and most kind hearted person you'll ever meet." I say back. "I think I can imagine something else big you have." She says with a smirk. I try to push her off me but she wraps her legs and arms around me and kisses me roughly. I don't kiss back be cause I have Mia and she is way better than this SLUT! I try pushing her off but she runs her hands up my chest and I suddenly feel all weak. When the girl stops and runs off I see Mia standing infront of me with her mouth hanging wide open and see her eyes start to get watery. Before I can say anything she runs off and disappears.

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