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This is the girl that kissed Justin☝️☝️
Mia's POV
I ran once I saw he was kissing another girl. I ran until I got pulled by something. I look to see who it is and it is Jordan! I look at her confused and say " What are you doing!" She says " Mia you need to come with me!" I get worried but I follow her.
(New POV)
Jordan's POV
Mia's mom told me to get Mia. So I ran to the park because that is Mia's favorite place in Minnesota. We keep running until we are able to see my house. I unlock the door and run in. Mia asks me where we are and I say my house. She sits on the couch and looks at me confused. I tell her to wait here so I can get her mom. I find her mom and tell her she is here.
Mia's POV
I see my mom run up to me and hug me. She starts to cry and I softly pull away then look at her. I wipe tear off and hold her tightly, once she is done she pulls away and we sit on the couch.
[M=Mia and A= Mia's mom]
M- "What is wrong mom why are you crying."
A- "Hunny their is something I need to tell you."
M- "What is it mom." She starts crying and then says
A- " Mia, I have cancer!" At that moment I break down and curl up into ball. I run outside but stop at the porch and turn to my mom and mouth the words "I love you" I run and run until I stop at a bench. I take a seat and try to function and get all the stuff out of my head so I can think. Then I feel something take hold of me and cover my mouth. I black out and fall into a deep sleep.

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